Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth introduces a new weapon branding system akin to the socketing systems found in the JRPGs which inspired the series’ shift to turn-based combat. At Julie’s Gearworks, players can use specific crafting materials to enhance their weapons and unlock brand slots at certain enhancement levels. Access to Julie’s Gearworks is unlocked through completion of Substory 20 in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth‘s Chapter Four, which players are prompted to begin by the bartender of Revolve Bar.


Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth – Best Weapons For Every Job

By using the best weapons in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, players can take down the strongest of enemies.

How to Unlock Weapon Brand Slots

Weapon with a locked brand slot in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Every weapon in the game features three brand slots which open up as the player enhances the weapon, increasing its primary stats. These brand slots unlock uniformly for all weapons: the first at enhancement level 10, the next at enhancement level 30, and the final one at enhancement level 50.

Once a brand slot is unlocked on a weapon, players can buy brands from Julie’s Gearworks to affix and add new properties to that weapon. New brands become available as players level up Julie’s Gearworks through monetary investment or crafting weapons. When the Gearworks reaches Facility Rank 4, its maximum level, all available brands have been unlocked. There are no other brands to obtain through any other means in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

When an upgraded crafted weapon is used in crafting a new one, it loses many of its previous upgrade levels. Players then need to spend materials again to enhance the weapon to unlock any locked brand slots.

How to Apply Brands to Weapons

Branding a weapon at Julie's Gearworks in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Applying a brand to a weapon is a simple process in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Visit any Julie’s Gearworks location, speak with the girl behind the counter, and select the “Weapon Upgrades and Brands” menu option. This opens a new menu where the player can select one of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth‘s many jobs by name, then select a weapon from a list of weapons they currently own. Selecting one of these weapons opens another menu, featuring two options: Strengthen Weapon or Brand.

  • Strengthen Weapon allows the player to spend materials to enhance the weapon, potentially unlocking new brand slots.
  • Brand allows the player to view available brand slots for that weapon and apply brands to any unlocked slots.

There are no restrictions on which brands players can apply to a weapon’s brand slots; any unlocked brand can be attached to any weapon once a branding slot is available. Additionally, brands can be overwritten by simply purchasing and applying another brand to that slot.

Each weapon brand in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth can be applied only once to a single weapon, though it is possible to stack brands with similar abilities as long as they are different brands. For example, the player can brand a weapon with both Seal of Bolts and Seal of Bolts EX, both of which boost the damage of electric attacks. However, applying two Seal of Bolts EX to a single weapon is a no-go.

Understanding the Effects of Brands

Branding menu at Julie's Gearworks in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

In Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, it is crucial to focus on the precise terminology in the descriptions of each brand’s effects, highlighted in dark orange text, to grasp the function of each brand. While the effects of most brands are clear, we’ve opted to offer additional details on these game terms to aid players in understanding the function of these brands.

  • Attacks refers to any skill or basic attack, including both Physical attacks, which are categorized into blunt (fist icon), gun (gun icon), and blade (knife icon), and Magic attacks, categorized into fire (flame icon), electric (bolt icon), and ice (droplet icon).
  • Brands which affect attacks of a specific elemental type will affect any magic attack featuring that elemental icon. They will also affect any physical attack that features a combination physical / elemental icon, or that is performed using a weapon featuring an elemental property, denoted by the presence of an elemental icon in the weapon’s tooltip.
  • Basic attacks are exactly that, any basic attacks performed on an enemy when not using a skill. Brands affecting basic attack damage will work alongside those increasing elemental type damage when basic attacking using a weapon with an elemental property.

Inflicting a restrictive status ailment in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

  • Damaging status ailments include any status ailments which continuously deal damage to the enemy. This includes Bleed, Poison, Burn, and Cold.
  • Restrictive status ailments include any status ailments which limit an enemy’s actions, but do not deal damage. This includes Blind, Charm, Drunk, Fear, Paralysis, Rage, Silence, Sleep, and Stun.
  • Stat buffs are any positive buffs a character applies to themselves or other party members which affect their attributes, defense, or resistances.
  • Debuffs are any debilitating debuffs a character applies to enemies which affect their attributes, defense, or resistances.


Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth – Beginner Tips

These beginner tips can help players save a lot of time in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

All Weapon Brands and What They Do

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth features a total of 36 unique brands that players can apply to their weapons. Some of these brands are stronger versions of the previous one, while others offer completely unique effects. When two brands with similar effects, like the Seal of Bolts and Seal of Bolts EX mentioned earlier, are applied to the same weapon, their effects are additive, allowing the player to benefit from both brands.

Here is a full list of all brands players can unlock at Julie’s Gearworks, along with the required Facility Rank, cost, and effect for each, in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

Weapon Brand

Unlocks At



Seal of Flames

Rank 1


Boosts the damage of fire attacks.

Seal of Flames EX

Rank 4


Greatly boosts the damage of fire attacks.

Seal of Snow

Rank 1


Boosts the damage of ice attacks.

Seal of Snow EX

Rank 4


Greatly boosts the damage of ice attacks.

Seal of Bolts

Rank 1


Boosts the damage of electric attacks.

Seal of Bolts EX

Rank 4


Greatly boosts the damage of electric attacks.

Seal of Severance

Rank 2


Boosts the damage of blade attacks.

Seal of Severance EX

Rank 4


Greatly boosts the damage of blade attacks.

Seal of Steel

Rank 1


Boosts the damage of gun attacks.

Seal of Steel EX

Rank 4


Greatly boosts the damage of gun attacks.

Seal of Force

Rank 2


Boosts the damage of blunt attacks.

Seal of Force EX

Rank 4


Greatly boosts the damage of blunt attacks.

Seal of Renewal

Rank 3


Increases success rate of stat buffs.

Seal of Renewal EX

Rank 4


Greatly increases success rate of stat buffs.

Seal of Bloodshed

Rank 1


Increases success rate of inflicting bleed.

Seal of Blight

Rank 2


Increases success rate of inflicting poison.

Seal of Incineration

Rank 1


Increases success rate of inflicting burn.

Seal of Pestilence

Rank 1


Increases success rate of inflicting cold.

Seal of Torpor

Rank 1


Increases success rate of inflicting paralysis.

Seal of Stupor

Rank 2


Increases success rate of inflicting stun.

Seal of Dreams



Increases success rate of inflicting sleep.

Seal of Enchantment

Rank 2


Increases success rate of inflicting charm.

Seal of Terror

Rank 1


Increases success rate of inflicting fear.

Seal of Darkness

Rank 2


Increases success rate of inflicting blind.

Seal of Wrath

Rank 1


Increases success rate of inflicting rage.

Seal of Secrecy

Rank 2


Increases success rate of inflicting silence.

Seal of Suffering

Rank 3


Increases success rate of inflicting damaging status ailments.

Seal of Binding

Rank 3


Increases success rate of inflicting restrictive status ailments.

Seal of Debility

Rank 3


Increases success rate of debuffs.

Seal of Debility EX

Rank 4


Greatly increases success rate of debuffs.

Seal of Vitality

Rank 2


Boosts basic attack damage.

Seal of Vitality EX

Rank 3


Greatly boosts basic attack damage.

Seal of Siphon

Rank 3


Increases MP absorption of basic attacks.

Seal of Siphon EX

Rank 4


Greatly increases MP absorption of basic attacks.

Seal of Transfiguration

Rank 3


Basic attack damage is derived from Magic instead of Attack.

Seal of Miracles

Rank 3


Magic skills can critically hit.

Seal of Concentration

Rank 1


Increases critical hit rate by 5%.

Seal of Concentration EX

Rank 4


Increases critical hit rate by 10%.

Seal of Vigor

Rank 3


Boosts critical hit damage.

Seal of Anguish

Rank 3


Boosts critical hit rate by 20% per status ailment on an enemy.

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth

Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth

January 26, 2024