YOU SAID IT: Words mean little

Here are today’s Ottawa Sun letters to the editor.

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Re: EDITORIAL: Poilievre’s moral clarity, Trudeau’s weasel words, online, Jan. 16

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I think that Justin Trudeau’s saying we will respect the International Court of Justice’s finding on genocide means little unless he says what, if anything, we will do to implement it. In the unlikely event that the ICJ finds against Israel, it will be for the UN Security Council to implement any decision. Should it decide to act, it has the ability to adopt a balanced proposal which takes into account the interests of both sides.

I think Canada should maintain the position it took in the December UN General Assembly vote. It favours a ceasefire as long as it is accompanied by the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.

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People sometimes forget that the December resolution had those two major parts. Canada’s support for a ceasefire accompanied by the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages is not conditional on any finding by the ICJ. Such an approach will not in itself solve the conflict but it would reduce deaths in the short term.



Re: Abuse allegations in senior homes probed, Jan. 17

Having worked in long-term care and health care for many years, I can tell you abuse does happen. The best way to protect these dear people (the residents) is easy, just make it mandatory that all homes must have cameras within the homes (in residents’ rooms and all gathering places). This not only would protect the residents, but it would also protect the workers from allegations of abuse.

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This idea that having cameras within care homes is a violation against workers is totally nonsense, especially when all are aware of the cameras. I do not know how many times a resident has accused a caregiver of abuse, only to see on the camera that it was the abuse of the confused resident, not the care worker.

Any long-term resident home that does not allow cameras gives me a very bad feeling — what is really going on there? Having cameras not only protects the resident, but also all the employees.

Having inspections and investigations after the fact is a little too late.



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