Starfield Fans Want Bethesda to Bring a Fallout-Inspired Feature To The Game


  • Fans suggest that Starfield should incorporate floating drone comapnions, as they would fit the game’s futuristic theme and add depth to robot-related gameplay.
  • While Starfield already has a robotic character in Vasco, it lacks customizable robotic companions, unlike what Fallout 4 offered in its Automatron DLC.
  • The introduction of drones in Starfield could ad another layer to the game and would be justified by the game’s lore thanks to Ryujin Industries’ involvement in the drone industry.

Some fans think that Starfield should take some inspiration from the Fallout series by introducing floating robots and drones to the game. With the game being set in the year 2330, these fans think that Starfield‘s futuristic theme would have no issue introducing artificial constructs such as these. Considering that the game is very tech-based, it could add more depth to robot-related gameplay and change up a few mechanics to make Starfield‘s hypothetical drones even more interesting.

Developer Bethesda is no stranger to robots, as the Fallout series offers characters such as Mr. Handy alongside multiple synths and androids. While Starfield does have similar characters, the game lacks the ability to have custom robotic companions, as characters like Vasco are proper NPCs that lack customization. Plus, surprisingly, many of the game’s robotic figures do not float or hover.


Starfield Companion Has Surprising Ability

During the Starfield Direct presentation of Bethesda’s brand-new space RPG, it’s revealed that one of the game’s companions has a surprising ability.

Reddit user ShriyanshPandey opened this discussion to the positive response of many fans. With Bethesda’s vast experience in adding floating robots to the Fallout series, gamers are requesting at least the introduction of drones. As beloved as the Starfield companion Vasco is, many fans fill that he is limited in nature and not quite what they had in mind. Players in the comment section shared they missed the visual of a no-legged robot companion, while a few mentioned how Fallout 4‘s companion commands were very much missed. Many even argued that an on-call drone would be helpful, especially since some companions turn out to be obstacles at times, as this way it would only appear when summoned.

While the user did not specifically state what capacity they wanted to see drones be introduced to Starfield, Fallout 4‘s Automatron DLC would be a good example to pull from. It introduced more varieties to Mr. Handy, Sentry bots, and Eyebots, with some deep customization via a new robot workbench letting players customize their machine allies. The DLC even allowed colonies to be inhabited by robots, which helped the player with trade routes. If Bethesda could implement mechanics as deep as these in a drone update, it could bring another layer to Starfield.

If it wanted to embrace this fan suggestioned, then Bethesda would not have to look too deep in terms of lore to justify it, as Starfield‘s Ryujin Industries – which the game says has a heavy hold on the drone industry – could supply them.

starfield game


Developed by Bethesda Game Studios, Starfield is a sci-fi action role-playing game where players interact with multiple factions, engage in combat, customize their main character and ship, as well as explore a universe that features over 100 systems and 1,000 planets.

September 6, 2023

How Long To Beat
20 Hours