Sonic’s Best Friends


  • Sonic forms close bonds and friendships throughout his adventures.
  • Cream, Chip, Blaze, Princess Elise, Amy, Knuckles, and Tails are considered Sonic’s best friends.
  • These friendships are characterized by trust, support, and mutual growth.

Everyone’s favorite spiky blue hedgehog has experienced his fair share of adventures over the years, and throughout these journeys, he’s conjured up some extremely close and highly-valued friendships along the way. While Sonic can sometimes seem like a little bit of a loner, often preferring to take down Eggman and his minions solo, he’s still not above asking for a bit of support when it’s most needed, especially when it’s someone that he’s already developed a close bond with.


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While there are a few characters that Sonic was drawn to as soon as he first met them, there are others who were antagonists before they became his close allies. Out of all of his companions, there are a handful of individuals who could be considered Sonic’s true best friends.

7 Cream

Cream Turns From A Sonic Fan-Girl To One Of His Best Friends


Sonic Advance 2

December 19, 2002


Sonic has shown on multiple occasions that he’s sort of like a big brother to Cream, always ensuring she’s safe from danger and constantly going out of his way to help her. This all starts in Sonic Advance 2 where Dr. Eggman kidnaps Cream, but when Sonic finally manages to rescue her, she initially seems a little shocked that the mighty lightning-fast hedgehog that she had heard so much about was standing right in front of her.

Over time, Cream started to become a lot more comfortable around Sonic, with the two forming an impenetrable bond that can never be broken, due to how much they’ve experienced together. Despite Cream begging Sonic to join in with his high-octane adventures throughout the series, she eventually learns from him that simply being kind, generous, and brave is enough for her to live a happy and fulfilled life, which is a lesson that she will always remember.

6 Chip

Sonic Clearly Loves Having Chip In His Company During Their Adventure In Sonic Unleashed

Sonic and Chip enjoying ice cream

Sonic Unleashed

November 18, 2008

Platformer , Beat ‘Em Up

Chip unfortunately only appears in Sonic Unleashed, but throughout that game, he does everything he can to help Sonic save the world from Dark Gaia, an evil behemoth who was summoned through Eggman’s Chaos Energy Cannon. Since Sonic was caught up in the blast, it caused him to transform into a Werehog any time the sun went down, and while Chip is initially terrified of Sonic’s more bestial appearance, he eventually vows to restore him, and the planet, back to normal.


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While they bicker with one another a lot, especially near the beginning of the game, Sonic and Chip eventually start to become very close friends, with Chip even making the ultimate sacrifice to save his new friend from Dark Gaia’s power at the end. It’s a shame that Chip meets his demise at the end of Sonic Unleashed, as it’s clear that Sonic had grown to love the little guy, even though he may not have shown it all the time.

5 Blaze

Sonic Manages To Break Down Blaze’s Stoic Personality To Learn More About Her As A Person

Sonic and Blaze shaking hands

Sonic Rush

November 15, 2005


First appearing in Sonic Rush, Blaze became so popular among the fanbase that she would go on to show up in many future installments of the series. Her stoic personality meant that, for a good while in Sonic Rush, she never even acknowledged Sonic’s existence, but she eventually started to become more interested upon realizing how much he cared about the planet’s well-being. They do eventually come to respect one another’s power, realizing that they could make a pretty formidable tag team when pairing up together.

There have also been several occasions where Sonic’s more brash and outgoing personality helps to perk up Blaze when she’s feeling defeated or disillusioned, such as in Sonic Rush Adventure when she fears that she isn’t strong enough to take down Eggman Nega. They have also been shown to share a personal tradition of always shaking each other’s hand when they depart, as a way to promise that they’ll always meet up again later down the line.

4 Princess Elise

Sonic’s Lighthearted Personality Teaches Elise What Being “Free” Truly Means

Sonic and Elise laughing

Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

November 14, 2006

Action-Adventure , Platformer

While Sonic 06 deservedly gets a lot of criticism for its clunky gameplay and technical issues, Princess Elise is often cited as one of the better parts of the game, especially since the Sonic games can often struggle to create interesting and believable human characters. Elise possesses the Flames of Disaster, an immense power that Dr. Eggman can only dream of getting his hands on, but to make sure that never happens, Sonic whisks Elise away and spends the majority of the game trying to protect her.

Initially, the two seem to be nothing alike upon their first encounter. Still, the game does spend a lot of time showing them interacting and slowly peeling back the layers of their personalities to uncover more about one another. It’s also one of the rare times that fans get to see Sonic simply relaxing with one of his friends when the two are playing around in the green meadows. They both grew to be incredibly close, with Elise admitting on a few occasions just how much she values Sonic as her friend, with the sharp-tongued hedgehog sharing the sentiment.

3 Amy

Sonic And Amy Have Developed An Emotional Bond After Their Numerous Journeys Together

Sonic and Amy

Sonic CD

November 19, 1993


Although it’s pretty obvious that Amy is madly in love with Sonic, because the latter never responds to or even acknowledges her advances, it means that the two have remained incredibly close friends since they’ve known one another. What’s helped to make them so inseparable is just how many adventures they’ve been on together. Whether it’s the Chaos Invasion in Sonic Adventure, the world cracking apart in Sonic Unleashed, or even the looming threat of Neo Metal Sonic in Sonic Heroes, Amy’s always been shown to be fully supportive of Sonic, no matter the odds.


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Amy Rose was a later addition to the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, and while she hasn’t caused a lot of problems, she has done some dumb things.

Considering just how well she knows him, Amy never has to act cordial or formal around Sonic, often throwing out sarcastic quips and witty remarks to either annoy him on purpose or to cheer him up when things get a little too heavy. Sonic Frontiers also expanded on the two’s relationship even further, showing Amy in a much more vulnerable state where Sonic was eventually able to restore her confidence through his actions and wise words of encouragement.

2 Knuckles

They May Butt Heads On Occasion, But Sonic And Knuckles Will Always Have Each Other’s Back

Sonic and Knuckles joking around

Sonic the Hedgehog 3

February 2, 1994


The spiky-fisted and stubborn red echidna known as Knuckles starts as an antagonist to Sonic, with Knuckles believing that the mysterious blue hedgehog is simply a no-good thief trying to get his hands on the Master Emerald. By the end of Sonic 3 though, the two begin to respect one another, and while they may not always openly express how much they care about each other, their actions have proven on numerous occasions just how deep their bond goes.

Knuckles always has Sonic’s back, but he also tries to make a competition out of anything the two do together, whether that simply be racing to grab a chili dog, or even during intense situations where the world is on the brink of collapse, such as in Sonic Lost World. They also have plenty of nicknames for one another, with “Knucklehead” being the most obvious one, which just goes to show how close they are, since if anyone else dared to say that, they’d be eating a knuckle sandwich in no time.

1 Tails

Sonic And Tails Are Always Pushing Each Other To Be The Best Versions Of Themselves

Sonic and Tails

Sonic the Hedgehog 2

November 21, 1992


Sonic’s made plenty of friends through his adventures, but the one who stands tall as his closest and most beloved is without a doubt, Tails Miles Prower. What’s ironic is that Tails is completely different from Sonic in his personality, being much more docile and cowardly compared to his best friend, but this is what has allowed their relationship to prosper in the way that it has. While Tails has become a much more courageous character throughout the series thanks to being around Sonic and watching him in action, Sonic himself has also become more tech-savvy and accepting of letting others into his life due to Tails.

While Sonic can often bicker with pretty much all of his other friends, he and Tails always seem to be on the same page, with the two being able to conjure up a plan to save the day in a matter of moments when putting their heads together. It’s been a real joy to see the two of them grow alongside one another, and there’s no doubt that this bond will only become even stronger with future games.


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