How to Summon Pals in Palworld

Collecting Pals is the biggest draw in Palworld, and there are a ton of different furry animals and weird monsters to see out there in the wild. While hunting Pals for your own survival is necessary, making friends out of them can and will yield better results in the long run.


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Fighting plays a big part in Palworld, and you’re not the only one who can do it. You can take up to five different Pals with you as you journey across the archipelago, and they can help you fend off attackers once you have them out on the field. Here’s how to summon one (or more!) of your Pals for combat.

Summoning Pals in Palworld

Aiming a Pal Sphere in Palworld

Once you successfully catch a Pal, they’ll get immediately added to your current party (assuming there’s a free slot). You’ll see an indicator on the lower left of your screen showing which Pal you currently have selected. By default, press E to quickly toss your Pal out onto the field or hold the button down to aim. It’ll start following you around and, if you’re in one of your bases, it’ll automatically do one of the jobs that it’s proficient at.

Normally, you can only have one Pal out at a time, but there are exceptions to this. So far, we’ve found that you can have multiple Daedreams following you around once you craft the Daedream Necklace at the Pal Gear Workbench. This key item will let every Daedream in your party hover around you, essentially acting as turrets that fire dark energy while fighting. This upgrade makes Daedreams one of the best early Pals in Palworld.

Chillet boss location in Palworld

The neat part about having Pals in your party is that everyone gets EXP even if they don’t participate in combat. If you want to level up your Pals quickly, then just have them sit in your party while you beat a boss with your stronger buddies. This method can power-level most Pals from Level 1 to whatever your current level is. Alpha Pals like the Level 11 Chillet near the Fort Ruins do respawn, making such bosses great sources of EXP.

If you’re looking to summon a Pal as a worker at your base, then you’ll need to use the Palbox. Pick a Pal, then place it in the box at the bottom of the window. The Pal will get spat out of the Palbox, and it’ll automatically do jobs around your vacant workbenches and facilities.



January 19, 2024

Pocket Pair, Inc.