Dead By Daylight Gets New Competition in Upcoming 5v2 Survival Horror, Night of the Slayers – Gamezebo

You’re trapped in a creepy, abandoned town with your friends. The air crackles with tension, the shadows whisper secrets, and you know you’re not alone. Two bloodthirsty hunters stalk the night, eager to add your screams to the town’s symphony of terror. This is Night of the Slayers, the 5v2 multiplayer horror game that’s about to drop on Steam in Q1 2024, and it’s going to make you jump like a cat on a hot tin roof.

Survive or Die

Choose your side: are you a scrappy survivor armed with wits and maybe a rusty shotgun, or a fearsome hunter wielding a blood-soaked axe and a monster truck with a spotlight that could shame a disco ball? In Night of the Slayers, every match is a heart-pounding sprint for survival. Survivors need to repair their busted cars, outsmart traps, and avoid the hunters’ hungry blades. Hunters, meanwhile, get to unleash their inner slasher, tracking down prey with chilling efficiency.

This town wasn’t always a creepy ghost town. Once a bustling holiday village, it’s now shrouded in darkness, cut off from the outside world. Tourists lured in by promises of fun found themselves trapped, their screams echoing through the empty streets. Now, two mysterious executioners roam the town, their blades glinting in the moonlight, ready to purify any souls they find.

Meet the Monsters

The hunters in Night of the Slayers are the stuff of nightmares. They’re brutal, relentless, and armed with enough axes to open a lumberjack convention. Survivors have their own tools for staying alive. They can scavenge for weapons, set traps, and even briefly stun the hunters with well-placed shots. Working together is key, whether you’re fixing up your escape vehicle or distracting the hunters while your friend makes a daring dash for the exit gates. 

Night of the Slayers is a game of suspense, strategy, and pure, unadulterated terror. So, gather your bravest friends and prepare to enter the cursed town where the only way out is through the hunters’ blades. 

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