The Best XP Buffs Before America’s Playground


  • Players can maximize XP in Fallout 76 by prioritizing the high Intelligence stat and using temporary buffs like Lunchboxes for double XP boosts.
  • Unyielding Legendary Armor provides a significant increase in Intelligence stat for higher XP gains.
  • Joining Public Teams for XP boosts, using Cranberry Relish or Tasty Squirrel Stew for additional XP, and utilizing perks and mutations for more Intelligence and XP can make a difference.

For players looking to farm XP in Fallout 76, there are ways to do this in a relatively short amount of time. Namely, by stacking the right XP buffs, players can reach the max level in Fallout 76 or complete the current Scoreboards with ease.

First and foremost, players looking to maximize their XP should prioritize having a high Intelligence stat, since this will directly translate to increased quantities of XP in Fallout 76. Skill points and Mutations can provide a high baseline Intelligence stat foundation, and after this point, certain temporary buffs can add a significant amount of additional XP.


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Fallout 76 received three major updates throughout 2023, alongside changes from multiple patches and minor updates’ worth of content.


Fallout 76 XP Buffs Lunchbox

Lunchboxes are by far the best temporary XP buff in Fallout 76, considering how high this buff can be stacked, and that any player can use this buff no matter what kind of build they have. Opening lunchboxes will give all nearby players a random buff alongside a 25% increase to XP gains for an entire hour, which can stack up to four times, resulting in a double XP boost.

Unyielding Legendary Armor

Fallout 76 XP Buffs Legendary Unyeilding Armor

There’s a reason that unyielding armor is the meta in Fallout 76 since it provides a significant increase to nearly all the player’s SPECIAL stats. With a full set of Unyielding armor, players can get a 15-point increase in their Intelligence stat as long as they stay below 20% of their maximum health, which can be done consistently by accruing radiation.

Public Team Goals

Fallout 76 XP Buffs Public Team Goals

  • +25-100% XP for completing Expeditions/Public Events/Daily Ops, or +1-4 Intelligence

Public Teams in Fallout 76 can grant players an XP boost for every additional player on the team. Most of the endgame activities in Fallout 76 have a dedicated Public Team, but there is also a Casual Public Team that will give players increased XP from any source that isn’t tied to activity or quest completions. The best way to efficiently use the Public Team bonuses is to keep the Casual Public Team bonus active as a default, and near the end of an activity, quickly switch to the relevant Public Team for the activity.

Cranberry Relish/Tasty Squirrel Stew

These two buffs are identical to each other, each providing the same XP buff, except one is for Herbivore builds while the other is for Carnivore builds. The Carnivore and Herbivore Mutations in Fallout 76 will boost the effectiveness of either fruits/vegetables or meats. Although players who don’t have one of these Mutations can technically combine these consumables, it’s generally considered to be more efficient to invest in a Herbivore or Carnivore build.


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2024 is arguably going to be one of the biggest years ever for Fallout 76, so players won’t want to miss what the game has in store for the year.

Berry Mentats

Fallout 76 XP Buffs Berry Mentats

Since this consumable is a chem, players have access to perks in Fallout 76 that can increase the duration of this item and reduce their chance of becoming addicted to this chem when frequently using it. The main appeal of Berry Mentats is the side effect of being able to see enemies through walls since rapidly killing enemies is one of the best ways to earn XP in a short amount of time.

Inspirational Perk

Fallout 76 XP Buffs Inspirational Charisma Perk

The best part about this XP buff is that players can share this perk in Fallout 76 with any teammates on their Public Teams. Although it doesn’t stack with itself, the main appeal of this buff is that it’s permanent.

Egg Head Mutation

Fallout 76 XP Buffs Egg Head Mutaiton Serum

The Egg Head Mutation is a great choice for farming XP, but it does come with the tradeoff of reducing the player’s Strength and Endurance stats, which will result in lower health and a decreased carrying capacity, among other things. However, with the Strange In Numbers and Class Freak perks, players can boost the positive effects of this mutation while minimizing the negative effects.

Herd Mentality Mutation

Fallout 76 XP Buffs Herd Mentality Mutation Serum

Herd Mentality is an underrated Mutation in Fallout 76, considering that the negative effects of this mutation can be completely avoided. Simply by being on a Public Team, even if there are no other players on this team besides the host, this mutation will provide a bonus to each of the player’s SPECIAL stats.


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Brain Bombs/Broiled Scorchbeast Brains

This set of buffs is another Herbivore-Carnivore duo, similar to the Cranberry Relish and Tasty Squirrel Stew buffs. Instead of providing a percentage-based XP buff, these consumables instead provide a direct Intelligence boost, which works similarly but can be stacked separately.

Canned Meat Stew

Fallout 76 XP Buffs Canned Meat Stew

The best part about canned meat stew is that it’s one of the few food items that never spoils. Players using the Carnivore Mutation in Fallout 76 can increase the buff from this item from 5% up to 13%. The one downside to this item is that it can only be earned from completing a specific Public Event in Fallout 76, so it can be quite rare at times.

Well-Rested/Kindred Spirit

Fallout 76 XP Buffs Well-Rested Kindred Spirit

Sleeping in any bed will give players the Well-Rested buff for one hour. However, sleeping in a bed at a CAMP in Fallout 76 in proximity to an ally will instead give the Kindred Spirit buff for three hours.


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Nuka-Cola Cranberry

Fallout 76 XP Buffs Nuka-Cola Cranberry

This drink will give players a 2% XP buff, but with a Nuka-Cola build in Fallout 76, this buff can be increased to 6%. Although Nuka-Cola Cranberry can be hard to find, it never spoils, so players can store it for the right moment.

Leader Bobblehead/ Intelligence Bobblehead

Between the Leader and Intelligence Bobbleheads, the Leader Bobblehead is considered the superior XP buff. However, since players don’t get to choose which bobblehead they find, both of these items are still plenty useful.

Live & Love 8

Fallout 76 XP Buffs Live & Love 8 Skill Magazine

While magazines and bobbleheads can provide plenty of helpful buffs, finding specific ones can be quite difficult unless another player is selling them in their CAMP vending machine. The best part about these kinds of buffs, though, is that players can extend their duration up to an hour with the Curator Perk.

fallout 76

Fallout 76

Fallout 76 is a new horizon for the long-standing series, giving players an MMO world to explore, where they can meet other players and embark on quests with them.