Best Heavy build in The Finals: Weapons, Gadgets, and playstyle

One paper The Finals might sound like a typical objective-based shooter, however, when you get into it, there’s so much going on. The cool thing about the game is the builds you can create across the three archetypes. One of them is heavy, and we’ll go through the best one for The Finals which includes weapons, gadgets, and playstyle.

The Finals: How to play the Heavy

I don’t usually pick the Heavy class, I go between Medium and Light since they can be more versatile. On the other hand, Heavy works well. You can play more aggressively, push enemy players off points, and cause an oncoming attack to be nullified. Heavy while being strong can be durable without using much, but the build below helps this class survive longer and have a meatier punch. 

Best Heavy playstyles in The Finals

Other options to try

Screenshot: PC Invasion

As mentioned, the Heavy class can take a beating. But what helps it stand out when you’re moving around with your team is that the enemy may focus on you more. The Walking Fortress is about being hard to hit, and also outputting damage to keep your squad safe. It’s as great for stealing a cashout as it is for holding down a vault. The main game for most Heavy builds is to control and hold one point. 

Related: How to Add Friends on The Finals

The one thing you should note is that Heavy is slow in general, and this build doesn’t help with the speed. But, you’ll still be able to move around with ease as you’re harder to take down. Why not use that? With things that can stun or stop you from moving, the Heavy class can act like a shield against those. So being a Heavy is important for their reason. 

Best Weapon for the Heavy in The Finals

Best Weapon to use

Other great weapons

The Finals Lewis Gun
Screenshot: PC Invasion

I’ve tried the M60, it’s a great gun. But it does have a limit which I reached early on. You can stop enemies right in their tracks. On the other hand, I did burn out of ammo quite a bit forcing me to reload quickly. The Sledgehammer I would recommend it if you’ve played a lot or are at a comfortable point of doing so. Mainly because while it has a lot of damage, it’s a slow-moving weapon, and is melee based. 

The Lewis Gun I’ve found to be a great gun for making players run away from you. The damage is insanely high, its accuracy does suffer a bit so make sure you keep your engagements in a medium range. Whenever I’ve used this gun as a Heavy, I often rush into the cashout point and start laying down fire causing havoc. This allows my other teammates to sneak in and put in those final blows which gives us tons of breathing room. The Lewis Gun can force the enemy to scramble, giving your teammates to capitalize on the mess.

Best Heavy Gadgets in The Finals

Best choices 

  • Pyro Grenade
  • RPG-7
  • Barricade
The Finals The Gadgets
Screenshot: PC Invasion

You want to control and hold a position especially when you’re cashing out. I find a Goo Grenade works in certain situations, but can be brought down easily. The Barricade matched with the Lewis Gun provided your team is near, you indefinitely hold the cash out point. Adding Pyron Grenades adds more to the action and makes the enemy teams keep away while also getting fired at. I know I said controlling and holding are important, but crowd control can make those two factors complete. 

For a little extra damage use the RPG-7 cause why not? In all seriousness, this weapon can cause a whole lot of damage if you’re trying to steal a cash point. It can also make enemies keep their distance from you, which makes doing the objectives a whole lot easier. 

Specializations for the Heavy

Best one to use 

Second best choice

The Finals Using Mesh Sheild
Screenshot: PC Invasion

The Charge ‘N’ Slam perk was fun since it allowed me to jump in the air and break down walls another other stuff in my way. It also did a lot of damage to any poor contestant caught in my path. However, Mesh Shield seems to work well with the whole “Walking Fortress” playstyle. Its ability is in the name, it gives out a shield but the front only. So if you have a Barricade set up, that’s your backside covered, and the Mesh Shield can offer a shield in the front for the entire team. 

Note: Since you’ll be holding the sheild as you move, make sure you coordinate the attacks and movements together.

Adding that firepower of Lewis Gun and the RPG-7, you can create a deadly strategy. As stated before, if you want to dig in and keep the enemies at bay, the Mesh Shield offers just that all while keeping you and your team protected for a moment. 

Other The Finals articles.  

The Finals is free to play via Steam, Xbox Series X/S, and PS5.