Blizzard Leaked Survey Seeks Fan Opinions on Acceptability of $100 Diablo 4 Add-On

Blizzard, the renowned game developer, is reportedly asking fans for their thoughts on the acceptability of a potential Diablo IV add-on priced at up to $100, as first reported by GameStar. The revelation surfaced through a video by Bellular News on YouTube, which detailed the leaked information shared by a fan.

At this year’s BlizzCon, the highly anticipated unveiling of Diablo IV’s first major expansion, titled “Vessel of Hatred,” took place. Set for a late 2024 release, many details about the expansion, including its pricing, remain undisclosed.

Earlier this week, Bellular News shared intriguing insights into Blizzard’s potential pricing strategy for Diablo IV add-ons. According to the YouTuber, a fan forwarded a confidential survey from the Diablo IV developer, providing a glimpse into Blizzard’s plans for add-on pricing. The leaked survey presented four pricing options—$50, $70, $80, and $100—each offering various benefits, including different amounts of Platinum currency for purchasing skins.

The pricing becomes concerning due to its inclusion of a chance to purchase advantageous gameplay benefits. Specifically, the $50 and $100 options provide early access to a functional in-game item—with the $50 option granting access to a unique item and the $100 option unlocking a legendary aspect. Though not explicitly stated, it appears to be evolving into a pay-to-win feature.

While the survey may not definitively dictate Blizzard’s future pricing strategy for add-ons, it provides an overview into the direction the company is considering. Additionally, it offers fans a potential insight into the anticipated cost of the Diablo IV “Vessel of Hatred” expansion.

As the leaked survey faces criticism and backlash, there is a likelihood that Blizzard may reassess its plans for add-on pricing, possibly opting for a more community-friendly range. The reaction from the gaming community will likely play a significant role in shaping Blizzard’s decisions moving forward.

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