Tetris 99 36th Maximus Cup with Super Mario RPG theme

Tetris 99 Super Mario RPG

Tetris 99 has revealed its 36th Maximus Cup centering around Super Mario RPG. This will be held towards the end of the week leading into early next week.

During the event, players will have an opportunity to earn a theme based on the Super Mario RPG Switch remake. Simply play the online mode and earn points based on your placement in each match. After reaching 100 event points, the theme will be unlocked. It comes with background art, music, and Tetrimino designs inspired by Super Mario RPG.

Remember that Nintendo recently made a change so that players will have a chance to earn more points than they did previously if they rank between places #90 and #2 in a match. The #1 spot gives out 100 points per usual.

The Tetris 99 36th Maximus Cup featuring Super Mario RPG begins at 11 PM PT on November 9 / 2 AM ET November 10 until 10:59 PM PT on November 13 / 1:59 AM ET on November 14. View a trailer for it below.

36th Maximus Cup Gameplay Trailer

Tetris 99 is currently available on Switch. Let us know if you plan on participating in the upcoming event in the comments below.

You can visit the official website for Tetris 99 here.