Phantom Blade Executioners Tier List – November 2023

Want to know which spirits will give your character the edge against wicked forces? We’ve got the forbidden knowledge necessary. Our Phantom Blade Executioners tier list ranks all the helpful spirits in terms of how well they measure up in a fight.

Phantom Blade Executioners is a gorgeous gacha sidescroller where you pick one of four characters and carve a bloody path through the empire. The kung fu masters have gone mad with unnatural power, and everyone’s future is at stake. Dive into a dark world and face off against monsters and madmen in this dark fantasy wuxia epic.

You can check it out on Google Play.

Building more characters or teams? Take a gander at our Eternal Evolution tier list, Arcane Lineage Class tier list, and Type Soul Arrancar weapon tier list.

Phantom Blade Executioners Tier List

Here are our rankings!


Simply the best.

  • Darkness Aroma
  • Evil Healer
  • Evil Punisher
  • In A Wheel
  • Lady Moon
  • Lethal Gaze
  • Past Master
  • Ruthless Black


Very good and worth keeping around.

  • Dark Lord
  • Demonic Soul
  • Endless Night
  • Eternal Will
  • Fallen Saint
  • Life Reaver
  • Mecha Emperor
  • Merciless White
  • Orphan’s Legacy
  • Regina Fatale
  • Rose Of Thorns
  • Snake Eyes


Good but not great.

  • Burning Fire
  • Deadly Hook
  • Hammer Smash
  • Hiddensword
  • Ironspawn
  • Lone Blade
  • Rueful Mother
  • Tangs’ Outcast
  • Unmelting Ice
  • Virird Twinblade


Underachiever, a few niche uses.

  • Crazy Healer
  • Dhuta
  • Hussar
  • Researcher
  • Source Of Wrath
  • Sword Mountain
  • Swordsman
  • Swordswoman
  • Vajira Protector
  • Zither Fiend



  • Assistant
  • Bomber
  • Cleaved Mountain
  • Justice Spear
  • Mage
  • Mergeling
  • Staff Guard
  • Thrower

Character List

  • Assistant
  • Bomber
  • Burning Fire
  • Cleaved Mountain
  • Crazy Healer
  • Dark Lord
  • Darkness Aroma
  • Deadly Hook
  • Demonic Soul
  • Dhuta
  • Endless Night
  • Eternal Will
  • Evil Healer
  • Evil Punisher
  • Fallen Saint
  • Hammer Smash
  • Hiddensword
  • Hussar
  • In A Wheel
  • Ironspawn
  • Justice Spear
  • Lady Moon
  • Lethal Gaze
  • Life Reaver
  • Lone Blade
  • Mage
  • Mecha Emperor
  • Merciless White
  • Mergeling
  • Orphan’s Legacy
  • Past Master
  • Regina Fatale
  • Researcher
  • Rose Of Thorns
  • Rueful Mother
  • Ruthless Black
  • Snake Eyes
  • Source Of Wrath
  • Staff Guard
  • Sword Mountain
  • Swordsman
  • Swordswoman
  • Tangs’ Outcast
  • Thrower
  • Unmelting Ice
  • Vajira Protector
  • Virird Twinblade
  • Zither Fiend

How do Our Tiers Work?

Our tiers run from best to worst and rank the general usefulness of the Executioner.

  • S Tier: OP. The best of the best. Get one as soon as you can.
  • A Tier: Not as exceptional as S, but very good. It should work well with just about any characters.
  • B Tier:  Solid and dependable, but not exceptional. They’re fine but you may want to swap along the line. Keep this in mind when investing in upgrades!
  • C Tier: You might find a specific use for them, but otherwise they underperform. Don’t invest too much into upgrades unless you have an amazing strategy.
  • D Tier: Nope.

How Did We Decide on the Rankings?

We pull our ranks from our own gameplay, and from community response. Tier lists aren’t always totally objective, and your playstyle might suit things we rank lower! So, feel free to argue with us in the comments.