Omega Strikers Devs will Stop Making New Content by the End of 2023

Odyssey Interactive recently made a rather disheartening announcement about the future of Omega Strikers. This free-to-play 3v3 strategy game just had a full release this April 2023 following an Early Access phase that began in 2022. Unfortunately, it seems that the title failed to generate sufficient funds to sustain ongoing development. Consequently, the developers have made the tough call to halt the creation of new content for Omega Strikers and shift their focus to new projects.

The information came to light through the official Odyssey Interactive website. Representatives from Odyssey Interactive shared in a new video that by the end of 2023, the development team will begin working on new games set within the Omega Strikers universe.

On a positive note, the developers reassured players that servers for Omega Strikers will stay on, and they will continue releasing balance updates for the foreseeable future. They are also planning to refine the custom games tool and ship some other quality-of-life updates before the end of the year. However, no further additions such as new skins, maps, strikers, awakenings, or Striker Passes will be released after this year. Furthermore, any purchases that players have made in Omega Strikers will carry over as premium currency granted to them in the next game from Odyssey Interactive.

This decision by the developers has elicited mixed reactions from fans. While some expressed disappointment, the majority exhibited understanding of the developers’ decision.

Moving forward, Odyssey Interactive appears to have gleaned valuable lessons from this experience, suggesting that their next title will be developed to ensure a longer lifespan. Omega Strikers had garnered substantial acclaim from its dedicated fanbase, making the expansion of this beloved franchise into a new game a logical and potentially favorable choice.

Omega Strikers is currently available on PC via Steam, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Android, and iOS.