TeamKill Media is Already Working on Quantum Error Part 2

TeamKill Media is gearing up for the much-awaited release of the story-driven first-person and third-person shooter, Quantum Error, this November 3rd on PlayStation 5. However, it appears that the developer is not only preparing for the imminent debut of this title but as well as the development of its sequel.

In a recent heartfelt message shared on X, Quantum Error‘s developer expressed their gratitude to everyone who has pre-ordered the game. The developer further detailed that the digital pre-orders alone have covered the game’s development costs, marking a financial success. Even more intriguing, the developer responded to a comment on the post, confirming that Quantum Error Part 2 is already in development. 

With the successful pre-order campaign, TeamKill Media has secured the ideal budget for their next project. The developer emphasized that other than the help they have received from the Epic megagrant and GoFundMe, TeamKill Media is completely self-funded, which means that the more Quantum Error generates, the more they can invest in their next project and drive the team forward. 

As TeamKill Media’s debut project, Quantum Error reflects the developers’ dedicated efforts to make a noteworthy entry into the gaming industry. The teaser trailers premiered these past few months have been well-received, significantly contributing to the prosperous pre-order sales. These trailers effectively highlight the game’s key features, particularly its cinematic elements, allowing players to not only follow the captivating narrative set in a Quantum Age but also fully immerse themselves in compelling cosmic horror encounters.

In addition to Quantum Error Part 2, TeamKill Media is also working on three other upcoming titles, codenamed Project Samson, Project Gabriel, and Project Red. The success of Quantum Error will play a significant role in determining the future of these projects and potentially pave the way for more exciting endeavors. With Quantum Error‘s funding and development costs already recouped, the path ahead for future Quantum Error releases appears promising and could arrive sooner than expected.

Quantum Error is still available for pre-order on the PlayStation Store, with a 10% discount for PlayStation Plus Members, and early access to the game on October 31st.