Playtown will be released in 11 days on steam! New updated images! news

Playtown is almost released. Is it in your wishlist yet? It better be .. or else steg will come for you and stare are you like this at the end of your bedside.

Playtown is almost released. Is it in your wishlist yet? It better be .. or else Steg (the dino) will come for you and stare are you like this at the end of your bedside.

Playtown is a first person adventure horror game that takes place inside a kid’s indoor playground. Play as a loving father that is tasked to find his daughter’s missing necklace but beware – as danger can be lurking in every corner. Evade traps, solve mind-bending puzzles to your destination while trying to stay alive and explore the mysterious playground… but don’t get caught.

In Playtown, you play as a father who needs to find his lovely daughter’s necklace that is lost inside Playtown. Will you be able to survive? Good luck. Because I have a feeling that you will not.

Here are some updated images from the latest build of the game.

5 startroom

4 creepyarea 1

Playtown is a horror game made by one developer. This is an indie adventure horror game with puzzles to solve, and terrifying encounters, pickup system, running and hiding and more. If you can, please submit your feedback and report any bugs and this will really help speed up the progress of the development.

Please be sure to wishlist the game on steam and support the development!