Grand Theft Auto 6 Will Have More Realistic Weather, Real-Time Physically Simulated Water – Rumor

Despite confirming its development, Rockstar Games still hasn’t officially showcased the next Grand Theft Auto (which suffered a massive leak last year). It was recently rated by the Australian Classification Board, which could mean an announcement is forthcoming. For now, French publication Rockstar Magazine has some new details on graphical improvements in the sequel.

Though it compiled all this after “many months of work and research” with the help of its source, it noted that “some of the information divulged in this dossier is still at the stage of development” and “not yet 100 percent certain that all these options will be implemented with the release of GTA 6 and the new version of RAGE 9.” As always, take it with a grain of salt.

The publication notes that the gap between the visuals in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Grand Theft Auto 6 will be “greater” than that of Grand Theft Auto 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2. With RAGE 9, Rockstar is reportedly implementing real-time physically simulated water with a “revolutionary new system” with activities like surfing possible.

Vehicles have seen a “significant increase” in polygons with more precise deformations possible. Though the driving experience is reportedly similar to Grand Theft Auto 5, Rockstar will reportedly balance realism and arcade-style gameplay. Physics-based rendering will allegedly be in place for lighting, allowing for more realistic texture details and a more immersive experience in Vice City (where the sequel is allegedly set).

The publication noted sunrises and sunsets are more “realistic than ever” while nights are “more disturbing.” Finally, a real-time weather system is in place, which will “impact” the environment and gameplay, from waves affecting the beach to wind that “batters vegetation.” These will reportedly affect driving at high speeds.

Grand Theft Auto 6 could be released before April 2025 (based on Take-Two’s revenue projections), so stay tuned for a potential announcement in the coming months.