This unique idea would change Fortnite forever, and we want to see it

Fortnite has been going for quite a while, and despite its constant regular updates, players often also have their own ideas how it can be improved.

Whether it’s making concepts for characters, maps or otherwise – the community has no shortage of ideas. But now one idea has been brought up that could literally change the landscape of the Fortnite map forever, simply by making the world map a little more spherical. LemonCarlito brought up the idea over on the Fortnite subreddit, putting forth a mock-up and asking the playerbase how they’d feel about a spherical map in the same vein as Super Mario Galaxy or Starfield. So, rather than running off the edge of the currently flat map (or, more accurately, getting lost in the storm at the boundaries of the map) it’d loop back around to the other side.

“It would definitely give the people who complain about being “chased across the map” some new material,” says Effective-Interest 28. “Now the dirty sweat could chase you all the way from Frenzy Farm to Frenzy Farm.” Though some are a little concerned with how they’d navigate the map under the new configuration. “Imagine sending locations to mates in degrees!” says Happy_Minds774. “Lol, I already use clock face directions and my friends never understand!” adds TBcrush-47-69.

There are other players too who wonder if a spherical map would result in some other effects that’d need to be considered – namely, bullets moving with the curvature of the map. “Bro would have to take the Coriolis effect into account with each snipe lmao!” points out SwtiftFoxeh. But many think this would add an interesting new wrinkle to long range firefights and think it could be taken even further. “Why not also add scope elevation and wind to Fortnite?” asks Adruino-cabbage.

It’d certainly add a new twist to proceedings – and though there’d almost certainly have to be some adjustments to the map – no one would want the storm to close into a circle of ocean of course – it could be a nice way to shake up the established world. Currently though, it’s looking increasingly likely Fortnite could be turning back the clock to Chapter 1 for its next map. In the meantime, Fortnitemares is gearing up to welcome Jack Skellington and Michael Myers.