Best ways to farm skill points in Spider-Man 2

Leveling up in Spider-Man 2 is important. You can get stronger moves, abilities, and more gadget upgrades. So when you’re playing, going out of your way to earn skills would be the smart thing to do. The more you farm skill points early on, the better the moves become. This guide will show you the best ways to farm skill points in Spider-Man 2.

Spider-Man 2: Best ways to farm skill points

The game does give you tons of options for gaining large amounts of XP at once. Main missions are great for XP, but you might complete the game without getting a move you want. However, Spider-Man 2 has tons to offer that help make the game feel longer. So if you complete the story quickly, you may miss out on some fun moments. That’s why my advice would be to go between all the side activities such as crimes and other side missions

They might not give out much XP, but doing these will make XP add up the more you complete. For example, I’ve found a few crimes in one district plus one or two photography opportunities, and that gave me a couple of skill points by the end. That’s without doing any main story beats. 

Another way to earn points is by doing tricks like Loop de Loop while swinging around New York’s sprawling skyline. While the amount of XP points given is quite low, stringing tricks together may net a good amount of XP to earn a skill point. By consistently doing tricks while traversing the world, you’ll always be earning XP all the time. That way, skill points may come with ease. 

Screenshot: PC Invasion

Finding collectibles is also another great way to earn XP. I don’t like doing them since they can be monotonous. On the other hand, with a large amount of them, they could give you a healthy amount of XP. So I’d say nab them whenever you can. If you choose to go out of your way to get one, it might be worth your time.

Ultimately, if you combine everything mentioned above, you can earn skill points quickly which will cause you to level up faster. When you’re doing that, more options become available. This just makes Spider-Man 2 even more fun to play. 

More Spider-Man 2 articles. 

Mavel’s Spider-Man 2 is available now via PlayStation Store.