Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is Not Hiding Loading Times With Hold-to-Confirm Fast Travel Prompt

With Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 releasing soon and receiving rave reviews (check out ours here), it seems a little late to expect anything on the level of Puddlegate happening. Nevertheless, there is a bit of controversy surrounding the “hold-to-confirm” button when fast travel.

When fast traveling, you can go to any spot on the map, and the loading happens seamlessly. However, you must hold a button for a few seconds to confirm the destination, leading some to believe it was to hide loading times. However, in a Resetera thread, Mike Fitzgerald, director of core technologies at Insomniac, said that the button is there for player convenience.

“That’s a hold-to-confirm prompt, not hiding a load. If anyone wants to check, they can look at how late it’s possible to cancel it out when they’re playing. Last month, I brought up whether we should remove the hold-to-confirm, mostly to address the accusation we were seeing.

“But, it was correctly pointed out to me that having a confirmation window was important for player usability, which at the end of the day is far more important than Internet cred points (even though we love our Internet cred points).”

While loading times could have been faster, it’s good to see Insomniac embrace quality of life. As such, it’s still just a handful of seconds, which is still blazing quick. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 launches on October 20th for PS5. Check out our graphical analysis here to see how the sequel improves on the original.