What are Runes in Lords of the Fallen? (LotF)

In Lords of The Fallen, you are only as good as the weapons and armor you have equipped. Making your way through the various levels and many bosses will result in improved gear. Exploration and savagery are rewarded in the best way they can be: Loot. However, as you play through Lords of The Fallen, you may have stumbled across Runes that come in both big and small sealed sizes. They are a huge bonus once you know how to use them, and they can change your gameplay up immediately.

What are Runes used for in Lords of the Fallen?

PC Invasion

Runes are used to upgrade your equipment in Lords of The Fallen. They can be slotted into various pieces of gear to imbue them with better stats and powers. These runes can be found all over the map once you have passed a certain point in the game. You will initially have to find the first Cracked Rune Tablet and hand it over to the crafter in the hub area. Once you have done this, you can not only start using Runes, but they will also start dropping.

How to use Runes

When finding runes, you will notice that they have uses beyond just embedding in your weapon and gear. However, this doesn’t mean you should be shy with them. Small Sealed Runes should be used to open things like doors and chests. They are a dime a dozen and will be found all over the place. However, Big Sealed Runes, dropped by bosses, can be used in Lords of The Fallen in the way they were intended.

When you find a rune, you can bring it to the crafter and have it sealed. This will grant the rune a level ranging from lesser to higher for small runes and higher to flawless for big runes. It is necessary to spend some of your Lords of The Fallen XP to do this, so save the sealing for your big runes. The more XP you spend, the better the chances of getting a flawless rune.

Once you have sealed the rune, you will be able to see what powers it has. At the crafter, select socket runes, and choose which piece of gear to pop it in.

For all things LOTF, check out PC Invasion.