Sword Hero Looks Like A Team Ico Game Played On A PS1 – Gamezebo

At Gamezebo, there’s nothing we like more than sharing small indie projects that make us go “Wow, this look so cool!” Today, we got excited over Sword Hero, a physics-based fantasy game on its way to Kickstarter, which boasts a really neat 3D pixel style, and Shadow Of The Colossus-type climbing mechanics. What more could you want?

We just saw some of the climbing mechanics showcased via the developer’s Twitter. Things are very much in the early development stage, with the “monster” in question represented by an elongated sphere with a stone tile texture on, but it’s easy enough to see how the mechanic will work.

Bloody And Bruised Health System

The climbing isn’t the only interesting mechanic Sword Hero has to offer. The health and damage system is very unlike most games. Rather than an HP value, the state of your character, and enemies is determined by visible injuries on the body. Your character looks more roughed up the more damage they take, and eventually gets wounds that prove lethal.

The game itself feels oddly nostalgic, despite the fact that it’s only now in development. Perhaps it’s the intriguing 3D pixel art, or the low polygon, slightly lonely world that reminds me of Team Ico games …or even Evergrace if you want to get REALLY obscure.

A Slightly Liminal Vibe

It comes with modern comforts though, with breakable items, reactive elements in the environment and physics-based interactions that would blow the average PS1 user’s mind, even if the assets don’t look a million miles away from that.

We’re definitely going to keep a close eye on this title and see how the development shapes up.

Does Sword Hero sound exactly your speed? Take a look at the development Twitter and the website to sign up for email updates.

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