How To Split Item Stacks In The Front

Image: Samar Studio

In The Front, managing your inventory is essential. Unlike other games with weight-based inventory, The Front uses a slot-based system. This makes splitting item stacks for different crafting stations incredibly useful to know, but also knowing you can stack all of one material in a single stack to save other slots for other items.

This guide will show you how to split item stacks in The Front to maximize your inventory space. Check out our How to Get Followers in The Front guide to help you get the best out of your base.

The Front – How to Split Item Stacks Explained

To split an item stack in The Front, open your inventory. Locate the stack you want to split. Hold the right-click button and drag the stack to another slot. Release the right-click button, and a split icon will appear. It’s that simple. This action will divide the stack, allowing you to manage your resources more effectively.

So we’ll use wood, select your wood stack in The Front by right-clicking, and then drag the wood stack to another empty slot in your inventory or the crafting station’s inventory. Releasing the right-click, a window will appear asking you how much of the item you want to split into this stack. It’ll automatically default to half the amount you have, so if you have 100 wood, it’ll default to 50 wood.

The Front Item Split
Image: Gamers Heroes

The game’s unique slot-based inventory system means you’ll often find yourself needing to divide item stacks. Whether distributing resources among different crafting benches or simply making room for more items, knowing how to split stacks is a skill you’ll use frequently. You can split any item in The Front, including Resin, Crude Oil, and Polymer, amongst others.