Where to find the Serpentis system in Starfield

Starfield has so many planets that you might never visit them all, even if you spend hundreds of hours with the game. Some of them, like Serpentis, are well worth a visit even if you leave half the galaxy unexplored. Here is our guide telling you where to find the Serpentis system in Starfield.

Starfield – where to find the Serpentis system

Like a lot of systems, Serpentis has hidden depths once you begin to explore beneath the surface. First, however, you need to find it. You will find the Serpentis system near the Starmap’s right side, to the upper right from the Kryx system.

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Start by finding the Kryx system. It is located directly to the right of the Cheyenne system, which you will likely visit fairly early in the game. From Kryx, travel to Ophion, and then head to the upper right to reach Serpentis. Ideally, bring along a ship with good defenses. You may need to activate and upgrade the Astrodynamics skill, depending on the vessel you choose.

Several planets within Serpentis host wildlife, which isn’t especially common. You can find a variety of resources by exploring the various planets within the system. Some of the less common ones I’ve found include Vanadium on Serpentis I, as well as Lithium on Serpentis IV and Serpentis II. The moons within the system can also yield rich rewards. You’ll find Palladium on Serpentis V-a and Neodymium on Serpentis IV-a.

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Serpentis is worth visiting even late in the campaign. You can quickly level up your character by defeating enemies, since it is a level-55 system with plenty of life on Serpentis IV. Also, you’ll frequently find enemy ships to plunder or steal in the atmosphere around the system’s planets, courtesy of hostile Va’Ruun forces. Don’t sleep on the opportunity to amass a fortune.

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