What Order To Bet in Roulette in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Amid the chaos and bright lights of the casino, you are faced with a task. Take imprints of two Netrunners in order to steal their personalities and use them to infiltrate the boss’s lair. However, this task takes time, and you need to be right by them to keep them locked in. There seems to be only one choice: hold their attention, pique their interest, and play some roulette. This is the most random game you could probably pick to play in a casino. However, with the right bet, you can win big when playing roulette in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.

Roulette bets in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Once you have collected your free chips from the casino bank, you can make your way over to the table. You are warned not to blow all of the money, but there are absolutely no consequences if you do. Typical of Cyberpunk 2077.

Screenshot: PC Invasion

To win all your money back, have some serious cash to spend, and beat the twins at roulette, simply use this combination of bets.

1st Bet: Black

2nd Bet: Black

3rd Bet: Zero

4th Bet: Red

5th Bet: Red

6th Bet: Red

7th Bet: Black

8th Bet: Black

9th Bet: Black

Final Bet All In: Black

Of course, you need to keep the Netrunners interested in you while you play roulette in Cyberpunk 2077. The speech checks are pretty simple to keep on top of, though. The constant voice in your ear will pretty much hold your hand the whole way. Winning big on the table will put the Netrunner twins out, but this is all good stuff for the personality scan.

Results of winning roulette

Once you have won, you will still be confronted by Hansen in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. However, you’re now absolutely loaded and can afford to tune your cyberware right up. It is worth noting that, later in the game, the results of your roulette win will be remarked upon in a speech check by Hansen. Remember how you won, especially on the all in hand, and thank me later.

Related: Phantom Liberty is going to push your PC harder than ever before, but in a good way.

Other Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty articles