YOU SAID IT: Whac-A-Canadian | Ottawa Sun

YOU SAID IT: Whac-A-Canadian | Ottawa Sun

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I am starting to feel like working-class Canadians are being treated like moles in the game Whac-A-Mole.

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Every time someone questions the ludicrous actions of JT and his sidekick, Geeboo, they are hit over the head with a large wooden mallet.

It has got to the point where people are crying out for an election, to hopefully right the ship, and you have the “Old Jagmeister” to ensure nothing changes that would reduce his newfound power.

At this point, I am not sure which virtue signaller is worse.




I don’t think Justin Trudeau heard about the City of Edmonton’s experience with electric vehicles before he mandated they be compulsory after 2035. The City of Edmonton spent millions of dollars buying a fleet of electric buses.

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Was driving the electric vehicles the heavenly experience that Liberals want us to believe? No, because now half the fleet is sitting in mothballs as electric vehicles have proven to be expensive, unreliable and inoperable. The City of Edmonton has now budgeted to purchase diesel buses to replace the electric vehicles that are not working.

So when the average Canadian family takes on $60,000 in new debt to buy an electric vehicle and then discovers, like Edmonton, that half of vehicles don’t work, will the federal Liberal government be covering their losses?




Re: EDITORIAL: Electric vehicles run on public subsidies, online, Dec. 19

I very much appreciate your article about electric vehicles. I am very concerned about the danger of electric vehicles because they can ignite unexpectedly, then can’t be extinguished by the firefighters’ water. Some condos won’t allow them in their garage in case a fire flares up there.

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The first thing that happens in a natural disaster is the electricity goes off, then gas for vehicles and generators is necessary. Electricity has to be generated and batteries have to be made at great expense, then disposed of, which is a new threat to the environment.

Fossil fuels are a God-given natural resource. Natural gas can produce much of the electricity to charge electric cars. As you said, “Unreliable electric vehicles are one of the most expensive ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” They are not practical, safe or affordable.



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