YOU SAID IT: Gag law for politicians

YOU SAID IT: Gag law for politicians

Here are today’s Ottawa Sun letters to the editor.

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Re: ‘Facts’ don’t add up; Grits attacking free speech on climate change, Lorrie Goldstein column, June 30

I agree with the Saskatchewan and Alberta governments that Bill C-59 is a gag law. Imagine the government going after individuals or businesses who make false claims about their products and liabilities.

Seems to me a similar law should be enacted for politicians who make false claims about their environmental policies and who constantly make false claims about their economic plans such as Justin Trudeau claiming budgets balance themselves. By doing so, it would force the politicians to walk and talk a fine line as they themselves would have to prove that their claims are based on “adequate and proper test.” This may force politicians to be more truthful, if this is at all achievable.

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Re: Andy Donato cartoon, June 30, 2024. (It included a message saying, “Be grateful that you don’t live in that mess south of the border.”)

I was offended by the cartoon dumping on our good neighbours and my friends to the south. I am sure those American tourists visiting Canada and spending their hard-earned dollars during the Canada Day long weekend were also disappointed. By the way, take a look in the mirror: our country is not doing so great, either.



I’m not so sure anybody should be surprised by the abuse, physical and otherwise, being encountered by elected government officials. But, just for a very brief moment, look at this from the purveyor’s side. We’re drowning here; taxed to the hilt; there’s legislation in place that keeps food prices artificially inflated (it ain’t Galen Weston’s fault); and there are laws that unnecessarily regulate the day-to-day operation of almost all businesses in Canada. Government spending, at all levels, is out of control and there’s no end in sight.

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“We’re here for you” has been verbalized so often it’s become meaningless. You don’t wake up in the morning bright-eyed and bushy tailed, ready to take on the day. No, you wake up defeated and hope it doesn’t get any worse during the day.

Today’s governments don’t realize they, for the most part, are the problem.



Your letters are welcome, at: Include your first and last name AND city/town. Keep your letters short — and please try to be civil, even when criticizing or disagreeing. We edit for accuracy, length, clarity and legal concerns.

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