Worf’s Best Quotes In Star Trek

Worf’s Best Quotes In Star Trek


  • Worf’s conflicted identity as a Klingon raised by humans makes him one of Star Trek’s most interesting heroes.
  • Worf’s dismissal of the phrase “merry men” ranks among his most iconic lines, showcasing his potential for humor.
  • Worf’s fearless attitude in ordering the starship Defiant to ram the Borg cube demonstrates his bravery and why he is an asset to Starfleet.

Star Trek‘s most famous characters are its captains, leaders like Kirk, Picard, Sisko, and Janeway. However, Star Trek‘s most prolific character isn’t a captain—in fact, he isn’t even human. Michael Dorn’s Worf holds that distinction, having appeared across twelve seasons of television and in four feature films. Worf’s conflicted identity (a Klingon raised by humans) makes him one of the franchise’s most interesting heroes.


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This engaging quality is reflected in Worf’s dialogue, which, although occasionally humorous, often dwells upon his anxieties and concerns about his unusual heritage. Worf idealizes the Klingon Empire while also having an outsider’s view of its limitations, and this perspective allows for some excellent character moments.

1 “Sir, I protest. I am not a merry man!”

“Qpid” (Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 4, Episode 20)

Worf is a not-so-merry man in Q's Robin Hood scenario.

The Q Continuum represents one of Star Trek‘s most powerful civilizations, and the antics of the mischievous Q gaveTNG‘s writers several opportunities to place the crew of the Enterprise-D in bizarre and unexpected situations. One of the most infamous of these is Q’s Sherwood Forest simulation in the episode “Qpid,” in which he forces Picard and his colleagues to take on the roles of characters from the Robin Hood legend.

While the episode itself remains somewhat divisive, it’s difficult to deny that Worf’s dismissal of the phrase “merry men” ranks among the Klingon’s most iconic lines. The exchange demonstrates the potential for humor embodied by the honor-loving Klingon, undercutting Worf’s usual stoicism for comedic effect.

2 “A warrior’s drink.”

“Yesterday’s Enterprise” (Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 3, Episode 15)

Worf and Guinan discuss the merits of prune juice aboard the Starship Enterprise.

Although Worf is one of Star Trek‘s most layered characters, it took a considerable number of episodes for this to become the case. Before the death of Tasha Yar, Worf is something of an extraneous part on the bridge of the Enterprise-D, mostly existing to be beaten up, thus demonstrating the strength of the alien-of-the-week. Subsequent seasons helped to develop the Klingon: for instance, his conversation with the enigmatic Guinan at the start of “Yesterday’s Enterprise” adds some much-needed depth to the character.


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Guinan introduces Worf to prune juice, a beverage that Worf memorably describes as “a warrior’s drink.” It’s a cute moment that helps round out the character, making him feel less like an honor-bound alien warrior and more relatable.

3 “Prepare for ramming speed!”

Star Trek: First Contact

Star Trek First Contact Defiant Borg Cube-1

One of the reasons that Worf is such a prolific Star Trek character is because roles in all four Star Trek: The Next Generation movies bolster his number of appearances: The Next Generation movies—even after the Klingon had outgrown his TNG roots and moved on to DS9. While the reasoning for Worf’s presence aboard the Enterprise-D is often questionable, First Contact gives the character a good reason to be part of the plot, as he participates in the opening battle against the Borg cube aboard DS9‘s USS Defiant.

Unfortunately, the Defiant is heavily damaged, leading Worf to order that the starship ram the Borg cube. Worf’s fearless attitude (faced with destruction, he reasons that it is a good day to die) demonstrates his bravery even in the face of impossible odds and serves as an example of why the Klingon is such an asset to Starfleet.

4 “You are overstating your case.”

“Tacking Into The Wind” (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Season 7, Episode 22)

Ezri Dax and Worf discusss the Klingon Empire in Deep Space Nine.

  • “DAX: I tend to look at the Empire with a little more skepticism than Curzon or Jadzia did. I see a society that is in deep denial about itself. We’re talking about a warrior culture that prides itself on maintaining centuries-old traditions of honor and integrity, but in reality it’s willing to accept corruption at the highest levels.
  • WORF: You are overstating your case.”

Despite complaining about the difficulties of relationships with non-Klingons, Worf has several interspecies romances across the franchise (most notably with Counselor Troi in TNG and Jadzia Dax in DS9). Following Jadzia’s death, Worf struggles to adjust to the presence of Ezri Dax, the next host of the Dax symbiont. However, the two are able to reconcile, and Ezri provides Worf with her perspective on the failings of the Klingon Empire.


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Worf’s gut instinct is to deny Ezri’s claim that the Empire is corrupt, demonstrating his loyalty to the ideas of the Empire even though he knows deep down that the state itself is flawed. This denial reflects Worf’s conflicted relationship with the Klingon Empire, as does his subsequent move to overthrow Gowron in an attempt to force his people to change.

5 “You have never seen death. Then, look, and always remember.”

“Reunion” (Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 4, Episode 7)

Alexander and Worf look upon a body in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Although TNG had recurring characters and enemies, most episodes were standalone, and the decision to introduce a child for Worf added an element of continuity that foreshadowed the heavily serialized DS9. Following the murder of his Klingon lover, K’Ehleyr, Worf teaches their son, Alexander, an important lesson about death. Death is at the heart of Klingon culture and religion, and dying well is the duty of every Klingon if they wish to arrive in Sto-vo-kor, the Klingon afterlife. This makes Worf’s instruction to Alexander a key moment in the lives of both characters.

Worf does avenge the murder of K’Ehleyr, although his resulting feud with the Duras family has unforeseen implications for both Worf himself and the entire Klingon Empire. Yet the show’s decision to dwell on the immediate aftermath of K’Ehleyr’s death stands out in a series where the emotional impact of characters’ deaths can often be overlooked.

6 “I know. But it is not my way.”

“Redemption, Part II” (Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 5, Episode 1)

Worf confronts his brother in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

  • “KURN: What’s wrong? Kill him.
  • WORF: No.
  • KURN: But it’s our way. It is the Klingon way.
  • WORF: I know. But it is not my way.”

The Next Generation‘s two-part “Redemption” storyline gave viewers a great look at the intricacies of Klingon politics and culture. Worf leaves the Enterprise to support Chancellor Gowron against a rebellion by the Duras family, Worf’s long-time rivals. Starfleet exposes Romulan involvement in the conflict and Gowron retains the throne. The Chancellor then offers Worf a chance to get even with House Duras by executing its leader, Toral.


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Worf’s refusal speaks to the ambiguity that is central to his character: although he longs to be accepted as a real Klingon, the lessons that he has learned while serving in Starfleet have colored his perceptions, giving him a unique worldview that is often at odds with the Empire’s traditions. As such, this scene is perhaps the Klingon’s defining character moment.

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