Why So Many YouTubers Are Announcing Their Retirement


  • YouTubers retiring in 2024 is unusually high, but previous successful departures have paved the way for others to follow suit.
  • Creators leaving YouTube can be influenced by various personal reasons, with burnout and the instability of a YouTube career being common factors.
  • Some creators are shifting their goals and exploring new platforms or niches, but there are still millions of active channels on YouTube, ushering in a new generation of content creators.

While internet celebrities retiring from YouTube isn’t new, the number of content creators announcing their exit from the platform in 2024 seems unusually high. Though YouTubers like Unnus Annus and Jenna Marbles have paved the way for successful departures, the surge of creators leaving in recent months might still surprise some fans. This is further emphasized by the fact that 2024 has only recently begun, but notable stars MatPat, CaptainSparklez, and Tom Scott have already revealed that they’re looking to venture into uncharted territory.

Unfortunately, there’s no singular reason or simple answer as to why creators are leaving their channels on YouTube. After all, a myriad of reasons could influence this decision, which vary by personal circumstance. Nevertheless, the core motivations behind leaving can all be relatively the same.


Anime YouTuber The Canipa Effect Retires After 10 Years

While he may make a video now and again in the future, The Canipa Effect is effectively over, leaving behind an impressive backlog.

YouTuber Farewells Are Becoming More Frequent

Creators Are Experiencing Burn Out


MatPat leaving the Game Theorists channel was unexpected, but it’s important to remember that YouTube is nearly 19 years old now. Seeing as many of these “classic” YouTubers started their channels between 2009 and 2014, it would make sense that they could be experiencing burnout from making videos. For example, the video game creator known primarily for his Minecraft videos, CaptainSparklez, has been frequently uploading to his channel since July 2010. Over the years, it could be that the pressure to maintain a popular channel became too exhausting.

YouTube Isn’t A Stable Career Path

Sneako ban YouTube

Regrettably, pursuing a career as a content creator has never been the most stable path. While individuals on YouTube may amass a significant audience, it doesn’t necessarily translate to financial success. Some videos generate more revenue than others and the view count doesn’t guarantee a larger payout. Furthermore, YouTube is frequently entangled in controversies and drama, which further adds to the instability of turning a channel into a career.

Given the potential for demonetization on YouTube, channels face the risk of both temporary and permanent bans, making it possible for them to be penalized at any moment. To illustrate, commentary YouTubers like Sneako and LeafyIsHere have both received variations of temporary and permanent bans that likely affected their monetization status. For large and small channels alike, YouTube’s viability as a long-term career is a constant cause for concern.

YouTubers Are Shifting Their Goals


Aside from platform-related concerns, it’s not uncommon for internet celebrities to lose passion for their niche. When coupled with the ever-changing YouTube algorithm, people tend to pursue a new goal or fresh platform. Fortunately, oftentimes, this means that creators aren’t fully leaving the internet, but rather exploring a new path. For example, although MatPat is handing the reins of The Game Theorists over to a new host, he’ll still be present to help with projects. Additionally, CaptainSparklez is still making videos, but will be focusing on live-streaming and games other than Minecraft for his primary channel.

Considering that January is a period associated with resolutions and changes, it makes sense that influencers are bidding their audience goodbye now. Jacksepticeye, a long-time YouTube veteran, tweeted in response to MatPat’s departure, that he’s been “doing YouTube for a literal third of [his] life…” This reflection sparked concern among some fans, who interpreted it as a potential hint at his own coming retirement.

However, even though creators like Tom Scott are shifting their priorities, GlobalMediaInsight reports that there are currently over 114 million active channels on the platform. Consequently, when certain doors close, new chapters begin. Perhaps this is a sign that a new generation of YouTube is on the way.