Wéko The Mask Gatherer Review

Wéko The Mask Gatherer Review

Our review of Wéko The Mask Gatherer, an action-adventure infused with love, emotion, and passion, though tempered by a few understandable minor gameplay naiveties that impact the overall appreciation of the experience.

Wéko The Mask Gatherer

Today, we invite you to dive into the world of Wéko The Mask Gatherer. This captivating 3D action-adventure with RPG elements, developed by the small Swiss indie studio SIRO Games, is now available on PC via Steam.

The game has captured the interest of many genre enthusiasts, as evidenced by its successful Kickstarter campaign. It quickly won us over with its charming, seemingly idyllic world and its endearing protagonist, Wéko—a small anthropomorphic gecko with a boundless curiosity and a desire to explore the vast world around him.

As the title suggests, this game showcases the developers’ heartfelt dedication to crafting an experience that resonates with the deeper, more sensitive aspects of our souls. However, despite its promising premise and well-crafted core concept, Wéko The Mask Gatherer leaves us with a slight bittersweet aftertaste. While it is a solid, enjoyable, and commendable product with many great ideas, it falls short of delivering a wholly satisfying experience. Join us in our review to find out why.

Robin Haefeli and Simon Da Silva: The minds and hands behind Wéko The Mask Gatherer

Founded in the vibrant and peaceful city of Geneva—the second most populous city in Switzerland, stretching along the southwestern tip of Lake Geneva and both banks of the Rhône—SIRO Games is a young independent studio born from the collaboration of two Geneva-based studios: Simon Da Silva Studio, specializing in programming, and Robin Haefeli Atelier, focused on visuals.

Simon Da Silva is a natural perfectionist, whose passion for gameplay mechanics and extensive gaming experience have made him a connoisseur of the technical aspects of video games. As the lead programmer, Simon has meticulously analyzed top games to deliver a unique and thrilling experience to players. On the other hand, Robin serves as the project’s art director, responsible for 3D character modeling, map design, and crafting all the elements that bring the world of Wéko to life.

Sharing a common passion for art, history, culture, and legends, Simon and Robin found an immediate synergy, understanding each other’s needs through attention, care, mutual respect, and active listening. This collaborative spirit became their greatest strength during the development process, ensuring a balanced and harmonious outcome where neither developer’s artistry overshadowed the other. After a challenging and intense four-year journey filled with dreams and aspirations, Simon and Robin are thrilled to announce the release of their debut video game, Wéko The Mask Gatherer.

This captivating action-adventure is ready to whisk us away to a magical realm filled with enchanting locations, creatures in need of our help, and ancient threats to overcome. It’s an eccentric, explosive concoction on the verge of bursting forth in all its whimsical splendor. Just like the SIRO Games logo, it’s a potion barely contained within its vessel, eager to unleash its magical essence.

SIRO Games

Once upon a time, there was a fearless little adventurer

Without hope, unwelcome, and frequently mocked for his appearance, this is the less-than-friendly reception our small, green-hued hero often receives from the myriad creatures in the vast world around him. But before we delve into Wéko’s story, let’s step back and explore the lore behind Wéko The Mask Gatherer.

Once upon a time, Earth was a vibrant planet teeming with life, where flowers bloomed, animals roamed freely, and its inhabitants thrived in perfect harmony—a delicate balance no one dared disrupt. Yet, over time, certain individuals began to develop traits and emotions that diverged from this shared harmony. These extreme feelings grew to dominate and divide its people. This fracturing event led to the emergence of the Seven Deadly Sins: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Avarice, Laziness, Envy, and Pride.

These sins were embodied by humans known as Allegories—seven beings who had transcended their mortal forms to spiritually embody their respective sins. For over a millennium, each Allegory sought to impose its own beliefs on others, resulting in endless conflicts and the devastation of entire species.

The turning point came when Envy lost control, manifesting its most dangerous and destructive traits—its insatiable hunger, greed, and the dark ambition to dominate all others, including the other sins. On a cold night, Envy was consumed by the most abhorrent vice of all: the desire to possess and control the other sins. He chose to turn all the Allegories into masks, treating them as mere objects. However, this transformation required a tremendous amount of power—power that even Envy himself could not wield without succumbing to it. Thus, Envy fell victim to its own malevolence and became a mask himself.

The seven masks, unstable and charged with energy, shattered and dispersed across the world, giving rise to countless masks infused with the essence of the Seven Deadly Sins.

And this is where our most unexpected hero makes his entrance: Wéko, a small anthropomorphic gecko with a boundless curiosity and a passion for adventure. Driven by his desire to discover the world and gather the most magnificent and beautiful masks to enhance his collection. These prized masks are carefully stored in a large satchel—almost as big as he is—that he carries with great effort on his slender back. Accompanying Wéko, and guiding us through his adventure, is OZ, a delightful flying drone and the story’s narrator. OZ will be our companion on this epic journey, explaining the intriguing curiosities and wonders that Wéko encounters along the way.

However, don’t be fooled by his seemingly clumsy demeanor or his less-than-triumphant entrance. Wéko is far from naive; although he may appear unfamiliar with the world, he is intriguingly and mysteriously tied to the fate of the Seven Masks. Is he the most unlikely hero? Perhaps. Yet, he remains the only beacon of hope for humanity.

Wéko The Mask Gatherer

Though the writing may appear simple at first glance, the main questline of Wéko The Mask Gatherer is anything but dull or lifeless. In fact, its strong linearity enhances its charm, even if we would have welcomed a few unexpected twists. This tale captivates players of all ages, from the youngest adventurers to seasoned gamers, with storytelling that is straightforward yet compelling, seamlessly weaving side quests into the core narrative.

We won’t spoil the surprise by revealing more details; instead, we invite you to savor the thrill and anticipation of uncovering this story on your own.

A sprawling, vibrant, and diverse game world, with just a few minor off-key notes

From the moment we first stepped into the world of Wéko The Mask Gatherer, we felt an instant connection with its diverse biomes, quirky inhabitants, and every tiny detail that forms this captivating universe. The gaming experience resembles a whimsical journey around the world, introducing us to different cultures, their peculiar customs, and strange behaviors. More than once, you might find yourself wondering, “Am I still in the same world?” This is perhaps the game’s greatest strength: teaching you to integrate with various cultures, appreciate their uniqueness and differences, and allowing you to feel a part of each of these fascinating societies.

However, this journey isn’t always easy. Not everyone welcomes the presence of an unusual green creature in their midst. You’ll often be judged, mocked, and even ridiculed by beings who, frankly, are far stranger than you. Earning their trust requires completing their bizarre requests and tackling tasks that seem impossible. But this is the price to pay to collect all seven Primordial Masks and free the world from its dire state of captivity.

Wéko The Mask Gatherer
The inhabitants of Houshi Village are renowned as the world’s premier cheese producers

Each time you venture into a new area, you’ll be welcomed by a stylish manuscript mounted on a wooden post. Adorned with captivating Tarot cards, this manuscript offers an in-depth look at the area’s distinctive characteristics, quirks, and hidden secrets.

The game world is both expansive and intricately designed, brimming with diverse activities. You’ll encounter crucial side quests that aid in collecting essential items or expanding your impressive collection of ancient masks, engaging mini-games that challenge your skills with time-based tests, and puzzles that are key to progressing through the adventure. These puzzles not only push the main story forward but also open up opportunities for secondary quests, or in the case of the Clow Sanctuary, provide a moving tribute to a beloved friend of the developers who passed away in 2021.

The gradual unlocking of Wéko’s special abilities is another standout feature. This thoughtful design choice not only encourages players to revisit earlier areas they might not have fully explored—since certain zones require specific skills and items to complete—but also adds a layer of replayability. It invites players to return to previously visited locations to uncover secrets hidden behind blocked paths or impassable walls, which is crucial for achieving 100% game completion. Otherwise, those areas will remain off-limits, and you might miss out on collecting all the masks, leaving mysteries unsolved. Trust us, you won’t want to risk that!

If you’re aiming to collect all the masks and earn every trophy, you should expect to spend approximately 13-14 hours. However, if you prefer to focus exclusively on the main quest and skip the side activities, you can complete the game in about 9 hours.

To conclude this section, we should address two notable limitations within the otherwise superb world of Wéko The Mask Gatherer: the simplicity of the puzzles and the excessive repetitiveness of some side quests.

The puzzles in Wéko The Mask Gatherer are thoughtfully designed to be accessible, ensuring that players of all skill levels—from novices to veterans—can engage with them effectively. This approach ensures that the puzzles are approachable and engaging, but it might leave those seeking a greater challenge feeling unsatisfied.

On the other hand, some side quests could benefit from increased variety. Notably, the recurring quest to return small animals to their rightful owners, which appears in nearly every biome, can become somewhat repetitive. While locating these animals and guiding them back to their homes scattered across the area offers a certain challenge, adding more diversity to these quests would have enriched the experience. A notable exception is the zoo side quest with Zephyrin, which stands out due to its unique characteristics and the addition of a timed challenge, adding a fresh and dynamic twist to the quest.

Lastly, if there’s one final critique of our experience with the game world, it’s the absence of an in-game map. Such a feature would have been invaluable for tracking progress and would have greatly assisted less experienced players in navigating without getting lost. Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that the game world crafted by the developers is neither overly vast nor confusing, allowing for relatively smooth and intuitive exploration between biomes, even without a map.

A gameplay shaped by Masks

In Wéko The Mask Gatherer, masks are not merely narrative devices or simple features—they are the central force driving nearly every aspect of the game. They define the protagonist’s purpose, shape various characters and enemy species, and play a vital role in the inventory system.

This intriguing design choice is original yet not without precedent. Consider the Legend of Zelda series—one of SIRO Games’ main inspirations for this action-adventure—especially Majora’s Mask, which is renowned for its excellent use of masks, or the anticipated Italian Souls-like, Enotria: The Last Song. While Wéko is not the only game to center its gameplay around masks, it excels by seamlessly and fluidly integrating this concept with other core mechanics, creating a cohesive and engaging experience.

Throughout the adventure, Wéko will collect and store each mask in his wooden backpack, his personal repository where he not only safeguards his collection but also harnesses the powerful energy of the masks. The game features three categories of masks, each providing unique advantages, buffs, and abilities. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Active Masks: Only one Active Mask can be equipped at a time. These masks grant Wéko a variety of abilities, such as gliding through the skies, launching explosive bombs, or wielding a powerful masked boomerang. These abilities are crucial for accessing previously unreachable areas and gaining a significant edge in combat.
  • Relic Masks: Looking for a mask that increases your damage output, allows you to roll more times with less stamina, or boosts your health bar? Proper use of Relic Masks can determine your success or failure in battle. You can equip only three Relic Masks at once, so choose wisely based on your needs.
  • Shield Masks: Among the many masks available, Wéko’s favorite is the wooden Shield Mask. While it may seem modest compared to other options, the Shield Mask is fundamental to your success. It provides substantial protection against blunt damage and offers unique abilities, such as a retaliation mechanic and, in some cases, offensive capabilities.
Wéko The Mask Gatherer
The masks you equip will glow visibly on the outside of the backpack, enhancing its appearance with a vibrant and appealing aesthetic

Wéko’s backpack system is designed with both clarity and ease of use in mind. The organization of items and masks is straightforward, with specific symbols indicating their types—masks, items, or weapons. Each mask features a detailed description, providing insights into its origins and effects.

The design of the masks is of high quality, and their diverse range allows you to customize the protagonist’s combat style to your liking. While acquiring these masks presents a challenge, managing their considerable power is key to maintaining a balanced gameplay experience. We suggest avoiding the use of excessively powerful masks, as they might simplify the combat system too much and lessen the game’s overall challenge.

Sometimes, acquiring masks demands overcoming significant challenges, while other times, you can simply visit Grandeco’s shop and purchase them

The interplay between platforming mechanics, exploration, and mask usage in Wéko The Mask Gatherer is engaging but not without its shortcomings. The Active Masks, as previously discussed, offer a range of capabilities: from breaking through barriers with explosive bombs to soaring across the map, or even traversing infected zones by riding a mummy. This innovative approach not only enriches exploration and combat but also motivates players to revisit previous areas out of curiosity for missed opportunities.

While the experience is generally positive, it is slightly hindered by a few minor issues. These include occasional unrealistic collision detection, which can lead to performance drops and various bugs with in-game objects. Additionally, fall damage is almost negligible, even when attempting jumps from significant heights.

However, this is also a defining feature of Wéko The Mask Gatherer—its emphasis on reducing player frustration and ensuring a smooth experience, which extends to the combat system. The game is designed to make combat and progression through different areas more rewarding than frustrating. Players are provided with everything necessary to defeat the boss of each major area.

Combat in Wéko is simple and intuitive, yet not without its complexities, often requiring commitment and mastery of the controls. One aspect we particularly appreciated is that boss fights often transcend traditional combat, taking on the form of engaging puzzles. These encounters challenge players to leverage the unique powers of their masks to overcome obstacles, adding a compelling layer to the gameplay.

Overall, the experience is seamless, engaging, and richly varied, reflecting the diverse arsenal at Wéko’s disposal. Yet, one might wonder why some of the most powerful masks and weapons are are reserved for the endgame. This design choice feels like a missed opportunity, as integrating these powerful elements earlier could have further enriched the gameplay, offering an even more thrilling and dynamic experience.

Final Thoughts and Verdict

Lately, I’ve been hearing more and more parents asking for recommendations on the perfect adventure game to introduce their children to the world of gaming. In this regard, Wéko The Mask Gatherer seems to be an ideal choice for younger players—and beyond.

Wéko The Mask Gatherer is a good action-adventure game that is easy to learn and equally simple to master, offering an intuitive and straightforward experience. It adeptly combines the intriguing concept of masks with core features that have made other action-adventures popular. However, despite its strengths, it falls short of the genre’s elite due to some inherent naivety, a byproduct of inexperience. For example, while the soundtrack is well-suited to the game’s narrative and atmosphere with its ambient tracks, it lacks a distinctive identity and fails to make a memorable impact.

This game is particularly well-suited for younger audiences who are new to the action-adventure genre. Its intuitive mechanics and non-violent nature ensure a relaxing yet engaging experience with just enough challenge to keep things interesting. However, don’t be quick to dismiss it if you’re an older gamer. The game has its own unique charm and might pleasantly surprise you with its captivating gameplay from start to finish.

Despite these shortcomings, Wéko The Mask Gatherer stands out as a valuable learning opportunity for its developers. It not only proves to be fruitful and important but also provides the right encouragement and motivation for SIRO Games to build on its strengths, address its main weaknesses, and embark on a new, thrilling adventure.

Wéko The Mask Gatherer is available now on PC via Steam. Indie Games Devel was provided a PC code for this review.

That’s all for today. Until next time!

“Wéko The Mask Gatherer is a good action-adventure game that is easy to learn and equally simple to master, offering an intuitive and straightforward experience. It adeptly combines the intriguing concept of masks with core features that have made other action-adventures popular. However, despite its strengths, it falls short of the genre’s elite due to some inherent naivety, a byproduct of inexperience. The soundtrack, while well-suited to the game’s narrative and setting with its atmospheric tracks, lacks a distinctive flair and fails to make a memorable impact. Nevertheless, the game is enjoyable and pleasant, making it an ideal choice for those new to the action-adventure genre or anyone seeking a relaxing experience without too much complexity. However, don’t be too quick to dismiss it if you’re an older gamer. Wéko The Mask Gatherer has its own unique charm and may pleasantly surprise you with its engaging gameplay from start to finish.”

  • A simple yet well-crafted narrative…
  • The innovative mask concept and its seamless integration into the gameplay.
  • A gameplay and combat system that is straightforward and accessible for both younger and more experienced players…
  • Strong world-building and environment design with excellent variety in biome characterization and diversity
  • An ideal action-adventure for children and newcomers to the genre
  • Some weapons are beautifully designed, exceptionally powerful, and enjoyable to wield…
  • …overall, perhaps a bit too simplistic.
  • The excessive repetition of some quests can become tedious over time.
  • …veterans might find the combat system overly simplistic, particularly due to the powerful abilities granted by the masks.
  • The game can be overly forgiving, especially regarding fall damage
  • …why are they only available near the end of the game?

SCORE: 7.2


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Grown up with MediEvil and DOOM and fascinated by the video game world since 1998. This passion stems from a desire to discover and research the videogame at 360 degrees, with particular attention to the Indie scene.