Tim Walz and His Family Represent Everything I Hate About Progressive Elites – RedState

Tim Walz and His Family Represent Everything I Hate About Progressive Elites – RedState

The recent resurgence of comments made by Gwen Walz, the wife of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, and their daughter Hope Walz during the George Floyd riots is a prime example of why I detest white progressive elites.

The issue isn’t just about the comments these people made, but what their words reveal about the deeper, more insidious nature of progressive politics. It serves as a stark reminder that the plight of black Americans is nothing more than an instrument for their incessant virtue signaling as their policies continue destroying black communities.

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VIDEO: While Minneapolis Burned, Walz’s Wife Threw Her Windows Open to Enjoy the Smell of Burning Tires

During a 2020 interview, Gwen Walz described her experience during the riots in Minneapolis in a disturbingly cavalier manner.

“I would say those first days, you know, when there were riots, I could smell the burning tires, and that was — that was a very real thing. And I kept the windows open for as long as I could because I felt like that was such a touchstone of what was happening.”

Note how Gwen seems to romanticize the destruction that engulfed predominantly black neighborhoods in Minneapolis. This is beyond tone-deaf. It betrays a remarkable lack of concern for the black lives and property that were damaged and destroyed.

Tim and Gwen’s daughter was even worse. Hope Walz attempted to help the rioters burn down black communities by posting information about National Guard movements to help the thugs avoid being arrested.

The damage wrought by the rioters was devastating – especially to black neighborhoods in Minneapolis.

In the first few days after George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis police, rioters tore through dense stretches of Minneapolis, St. Paul and other metro communities in retaliation, causing millions in property damage to more than 1,500 locations.

In their wake, vandals left a trail of smashed doors and windows, covered hundreds of boarded-up businesses with graffiti and set fire to nearly 150 buildings, with dozens burned to the ground. Pharmacies, groceries, liquor stores, tobacco shops and cell phone stores were ransacked, losing thousands of dollars in stolen merchandise. Many were looted repeatedly over consecutive nights.

The behavior of the Walz family during the riots, coupled with the governor’s inept handling of the unrest, encapsulates everything that is wrong with the white progressive elite. They purport to champion the cause of black Americans while feigning concern for black Americans when it suits their political agenda. Yet, their actions expose a complete disregard for those they claim to support.

Gwen Walz’s remarks about leaving her windows open to smell the destruction are nothing short of grotesque. It’s easy for her ilk to romanticize the violence when it’s not her neighborhood that’s burning.

Moreover, Hope Walz’s actions during the riots underscore the hypocrisy that runs deep within progressive circles. By providing rioters with information that could have helped them avoid the National Guard, Hope wasn’t just a passive observer; she was an active participant in the chaos that destroyed countless black lives and black livelihoods.

The Ku Klux Klan would be proud.

This provides yet another example of how progressives exploit the plight of the black community to signal their virtue to their fellow elites and advance the political agenda. They are quick to voice their support for movements like Black Lives Matter but are comfortably insulated from the consequences of the atrocious policies they support.

How eager would Gwen Walz have been to “smell the burning tires” if Antifa thugs were torching her neighborhood? Would Hope Walz have been so gung-ho about aiding the rioters if they were threatening the area where she lives?

Of course not. For these people, it’s just fine when death and destruction affect black folks as long as they don’t have to bear the ramifications of what they support.

Let’s not forget that these are the same people who consistently push for policies that harm the very communities they claim to champion. They support lax crime policies, despite the fact that black neighborhoods are often the hardest hit by rising rates of criminality. They fight against school choice even though most black parents favor having more educational options. And when their policies inevitably lead to chaos and destruction, they sit back and romanticize the violence from the safety of their privileged enclaves.

In many cases, white progressives actively participate in the destruction. Many, if not most, of those rioting in cities across the country were white progressives LARPing as pro-black activists. There were plenty of videos showing black residents begging these white progressives to stop the violence because the black folks would be the ones dealing with the fallout after the Antifa thugs went back to their parents’ basements.

Tim Walz’s family represents the worst of progressive hypocrisy. They pretend to care about black Americans while using us as pawns in their political game. The Walz family’s behavior during the 2020 riots is just the latest example of how progressives exploit our suffering for their gain. It’s time we see these people for what they truly are: disgusting scum who push this agenda because they know they will never have to face the consequences.