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This time last year, whooping cough cases had increased by more than 340%.

This time last year, whooping cough cases had increased by more than 340%.

Whooping cough (whooping cough) infections. in the US, the number continues to rise, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimating the number to have exceeded 17,600 cases as of October 5.

This is a more than 340% increase from the 3,962 cases reported in October last year.

Before the pandemic, the number of cases typically exceeded 10,000 per year, and in 2019 it rose to 18,600.

Following the pandemic, pertussis diagnoses have plummeted, with just 2,100 cases reported in 2021.

With whooping cough cases on the rise, do you need a booster vaccine?

The 10 states with the most cumulative (year-to-date) cases are Pennsylvania (2,209), New York (1,228), Illinois (1,153), California (1,123), Wisconsin (903), Washington (844), Ohio (814). ), Texas (676), Oregon (546), Arizona (491).

Pertussis infections continue to rise in the U.S., with the CDC estimating that the number of pertussis cases was over 17,600 as of October 5. (iStock)

What causes the increase?

One theory about the spike is that the number of cases dropped sharply during the Covid-19 pandemic because mask-wearing, social distancing and other infection protocols helped protect against whooping cough.

“They're getting worse now because our immune system is exposed to viruses and bacteria we haven't seen and is slower to respond,” Dr. Marc Siegel, senior medical analyst at Fox News and professor of clinical medicine at NYU Langone Medical Centerhe previously told Fox News Digital.

With whooping cough cases on the rise, do you need a booster vaccine?

Pertussis outbreaks tend to occur in populations with low vaccination rates, Katy Dubinsky, a New York pharmacist and CEO and co-founder of Vitalize, a privately held supplement company, previously told Fox News Digital.

The DTaP vaccine protects against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis infection in children. (iStock)

“Whooping cough is highly contagious and occurs in areas where herd immunity is not strong due to inadequate vaccination, the disease can spread more easily,” she told Fox News Digital.

“In addition, immunity to a vaccine or past infection wanes over time, which may also contribute to an outbreak.”

What is pouring?

The highly contagious respiratory infection pertussis gets its more popular name “whooping cough” from the severe cough that some people develop.

According to the Mayo Clinic, in addition to cough, initial symptoms are similar to those of a cold – including nasal congestion, runny nose, fever and red, watery eyes.

A child coughing next

Although the vaccine protects children against severe disease, the greatest risk comes from infants who are too young to be vaccinated. (iStock | National Institutes of Health)

Over time, symptoms worsen, often leading to severe and uncontrollable coughing fits that end with “whooping cough” after inhalation, caused by the accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract, the same source said.

“It's an underappreciated problem and a good reason why I regularly administer Tdap vaccines to my adult patients,” Siegel told Fox News Digital on Friday.

“This disease is particularly problematic in young children because they have less developed respiratory tracts.”

Tdap is a combination of three vaccines that protect against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis infections in teenagers and adults.

The DTaP vaccine is the same trio of vaccines given to children.

Pursuit test

“Whooping cough is highly contagious, and in areas where herd immunity is not strong due to inadequate vaccinations, the disease can spread more easily,” the doctor told Fox News Digital. (iStock)

“The vaccine works and lasts for three to five years,” Siegel said. “Everyone should have their vaccine up to date.”

Although the vaccine provides protection against serious illness of childrenInfants who are too young to be vaccinated are most at risk.


“This disease is particularly problematic in young children because they have less developed respiratory tracts,” Siegel warned.

It is recommended that pregnant women receive the Tdap vaccine during each pregnancy because it helps protect the newborn until he or she can receive his or her own vaccination.

When to seek medical attention

Due to its potential severity in young infants and people with weakened immune systems, it is important to look for medical assistance if whooping cough is suspected, experts advise.

Sick woman

Apart from cough, initial symptoms resemble those of a cold, including nasal congestion, runny nose, fever and red, watery eyes. (iStock)

“Unfortunately, the diagnosis is often missed because a dry cough can be mistaken for a virus,” Siegel said.

Adults may be treated with doxycycline, a type of antibiotic that prevents bacteria from growing and spreading.


According to Siegel, a commonly used treatment for children is azithromycin.

“The condition becomes dangerous when it leads to severe coughing spells that cause difficulty breathing, vomiting or disrupt the normal breathing pattern of infants,” Dubinsky said.

“The diagnosis is often missed because a dry cough can be mistaken for a virus.”

In addition to giving antibiotics, it's important to manage symptoms, especially in severe cases, she said.

“This may include hospitalizing infants or people with severe symptoms to monitor and treat complications.”

You can find more articles about health on the website www.foxnews.com/health

Approximately 160,000 children under the age of 5 die from whooping cough each year around the world, and 24 million cases are reported annually, according to the CDC.

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