The Best Mods for Fallout: New Vegas

The Best Mods for Fallout: New Vegas


  • Modding keeps Bethesda games alive and brings new life to older titles like Fallout: New Vegas. (100 characters)
  • The best mods for Fallout: New Vegas can greatly enhance the game’s performance and make it feel like a brand-new experience. (124 characters)
  • Modding communities for Bethesda games are highly talented and passionate, constantly creating high-quality content for players to enjoy. (131 characters)

Modding is the lifeblood of most Bethesda titles. The Elder Scrolls and Fallout franchises aren’t without their problems, but it’s thanks to the talented and passionate modding community that these games are still alive. Few modding scenes can match the quality content made for Skyrim and Fallout: New Vegas. Considering the game’s age, Fallout: New Vegas still sees massive overhauls and quest mods nearly every year. Some mods greatly improve the game’s performance while others add a barrage of new quests. While performance mods are fantastic, the best Fallout: New Vegas mods can make it feel like a brand-new game.


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The sheer amount of modding support this game still enjoys even now is a great indication of why so many people love Fallout: New Vegas to bits. The game was a triumph in every way, combining the best of old and new Fallout to make for a tantalizing experience that doesn’t really have an equal. While the bugs that marred this game at launch led to both fans and critics bashing the title for being rushed out the window, the steady stream of updates coupled with fan patches have made the experience more stable than ever before, letting players enjoy a masterful RPG where the possibilities are just endless!

Updated on February 16, 2024 by Ritwik Mitra: Fallout: New Vegas is considered by many to be one of the greatest role-playing games ever made. The sheer amount of love and effort put into this game is clear for everyone to see, with the numerous stories told in the title coupled with its impressive role-playing capabilities, making it a perfect fit for fans of both new and old Fallout. That being said, there’s no denying that New Vegas shows its age in more ways than one, which is why opting for mods that help the game feel more modern is always recommended.

31 ActorCause Save Bloat Fix

Downloads: 190,980

Fallout New Vegas

Bethesda’s Gamebyro engine was definitely quite groundbreaking when it came out, but there’s no denying that this engine faced many issues when it came to the act of optimization itself. This made it frustrating for players who’ve sunk hundreds of hours on games in this engine just to save in the latter stages, since this process could take several seconds and even minutes in some instances.

No one wants to wait that long for a simple save to be carried out, especially in games where quicksaving becomes second nature for many players. This mod reduces the bloat in saves when actors notice the player, reducing save times by a substantial amount. It’s a small change, but something that players who have invested hundreds of hours in this title will appreciate quite a bit.

30 Lumen – Ambient Lighting

Downloads: 190,208

Lumen - Ambient Lighting mod for Fallout New Vegas

New Vegas is a gorgeous game, but most people may not be aware of this when they check out the game in darker areas where the ambient lighting is painfully basic. This is where the Lumen mod comes to the table, changing how lighting works in the game, especially in dim areas.

The atmosphere of this game changes for the better with this mod, making it a must-have for players looking to add a wealth of mods to New Vegas. Immersion is enhanced significantly with these realistic lighting effects, which go a long way in helping players stick with this game for the long haul.

29 JSRS Sound Mod 2.0

Downloads: 172,406

Fallout New Vegas Caesar

This mod was originally made for Arma 3 to make the firearms in the game sound as realistic and engaging as possible. Given how big a role gunplay has in Fallout: New Vegas as well, it’s easy to see why a bunch of people decided to repurpose this mod for Obsidian’s masterpiece.


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JSRS Sound Mod 2.0 has multiple patches for custom weapon mods too, making it a must-have for anyone who feels that the vanilla sounds of weapons are lacking. Firefights become more tense and immersive when the sound of guns rattling sends chills down a player’s spine.

28 Depth Of Field Fix – NVSE

Downloads: 162,691

Depth of Field Fix - NVSE mod for Fallout New Vegas

Depth of Field is an effect that certainly makes a game’s visuals look more atmospheric when used correctly. Unfortunately, the vast majority of video games don’t use this visual effect properly, and Fallout: New Vegas is no exception. Sometimes, this DoF effect bleeds into the player’s view model, which makes things look way uglier than they should.

A simple tweak correcting this has been added via a mod to ensure that this Depth of Field effect isn’t cranked up to the max every single time, especially in situations where it’s completely inappropriate. It’s a small change, but something that goes a long way in making New Vegas feel like a modern, polished game.

27 Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged

Downloads: 193,209

Player Aiming A Sniper Rifle In Fallout New Vegas

Downloading mods one at a time can prove to be a massive pain, even with mod collections on tools like Jabbawock making things relatively easier for players. Even then, most people need to pick and choose certain mods that are downright necessary if they want to play a game as dated as Fallout: New Vegas, which can be rather irritating after a point.

Thankfully, the modding community of New Vegas has evolved to the point where a bunch of enhancements that are balanced and bug-free can be added to this video game in one go. The Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged mod is a simple but downright mandatory collection that players should get if they want New Vegas to feel as modern and engaging as ever.

26 Fog-Based Object Culling

Downloads: 136,546

Fighting enemies in Fallout New Vegas

There’s no denying that Fallout: New Vegas is a pretty old game, but this doesn’t mean that the title will run like butter on most operating systems. If players want to augment their experience with mods (and they should), then performance can take a pretty severe hit.

So, it helps to download a file that helps conserve memory and improves the performance of this game without making too many aggressive changes. This is exactly what Fog-Based Object Culling strives to achieve, hiding anything in the worldspace obscured by fog so that performance is improved at little to no visual cost.

25 Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks

Downloads: 116,940

Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks mod for Fallout New Vegas

A lot of work was put into making New Vegas look unique and visually striking, especially when it comes to the game’s interiors. However, as lighting has been perfected quite a bit in modern video games, most people won’t be able to appreciate the atmosphere conveyed by New Vegas‘ vanilla lighting that is used in its interiors.


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Spaces look too bright at times, which can make things look rather flat and uninteresting. Thankfully, with the advent of the Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks mod, players can easily turn New Vegas‘ interiors into something else entirely, retaining the vanilla artistic stylings while enhancing the mood to make for a visually rich experience in these contained environments.

24 The Living Desert

Downloads: 699,043

Player Moving Through The Mojave Wasteland From Fallout New Vegas

The Mojave is a blast to explore, with the isolating nature of some of the game’s areas adding to the overall immersion. However, there are times when players may feel that even some areas that should have people around end up being oddly barren, which can make the Mojave feel rather lifeless at times.

This is where The Living Desert mod comes into the picture. It adds several NPC patrols, events, and skirmishes in the game that make the Mojave feel more alive and engaging. Players who download this mod will be genuinely impressed by just how much life it injects into the regular exploration of this title.

23 Mojave Raiders

Downloads: 431,337

fallout nv powder ganger simple outfit

There are several raider groups present in the Mojave that players will interact with and battle against. This can make regular exploration rather interesting as players stumble upon various factions while traversing the desert, but many people feel that this system isn’t perfect.

After all, despite all raiders being different with unique traits of their own, every faction ends up wielding the same weaponry and doesn’t really seem all that different, especially when players loot them and see that almost every raider has the same items to offer. The Mojave Raiders mod strives to improve these raiders by giving them unique loot, making them more in line with the lore of each raider faction, and adding more appropriate raider encounters to make traversal more engaging in Fallout: New Vegas.

22 Just Assorted Mods

Downloads: 697,299

Image from Fallout: New Vegas showing an NPC carrying a Fatman on their back.

It’s amazing how mods do everything from overhauling the entire experience to adding small yet notable changes that improve the flow of gameplay quite a bit. Just Assorted Mods falls into the latter, adding several small yet much-needed improvements that do a great job of making Fallout: New Vegas feel more modern and engaging.


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Sprinting, bullet time, hit markers, dynamic crosshairs, weapon wheels, and loot menus are just a few of the many modern additions added by this mod. The gameplay of New Vegas is modernized quite a bit when players download this extensive and brilliant mod collection.

21 NMCs Texture Pack For New Vegas

Downloads: 13,526,207

Fallout New Vegas modded textures

The textures of Fallout: New Vegas are anything but pretty to look at, so it goes without saying that a texture mod is a must to ensure that the game doesn’t look extremely dated.

The NMCs Texture Pack ends up upscaling and retouching most of the textures in New Vegas, allowing for the game to look absolutely beautiful — something that can prove to be a huge difference-maker in a title that is heavily showing its age.

20 Nevada Skies

Downloads: 4,606,269

Nevada Skies mod for Fallout New Vegas

The weather effects present in Fallout: New Vegas might be pretty decent in their own right, but there’s no denying the fact that there’s way more that can be added to the weather in order to make it easier on the eyes.

With the Nevada Skies mod, the weather of the Mojave Wasteland takes on a beautiful identity of its own, turning the exploration of this game into a treat pretty much every single time.

19 Fallout Character Overhaul

Downloads: 4,672,712

Fallout Character Overhaul mod for Fallout New Vegas

The characters present in Fallout: New Vegas might be memorable for many reasons, but their looks are not one of the reasons why. However, with the Fallout Character Overhaul mod, this will become a thing of the past.

This mod upscales the textures of all the characters and makes them all the more pleasing to look at, which is definitely a welcome change in every sense of the word.

18 Weapon Mods Expanded — WMX

Downloads: 6,801,551

Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX fallout new vegas mod

Modding one’s weaponry is bound to be an addictive task to accomplish — something that the creator of the WMX mod has realized.


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This creator also added a mod like this for Fallout 3, and the fact that this ended up inspiring the people over at Obsidian Entertainment to integrate weapon mods in their game is quite an achievement indeed. With WMX for Fallout: New Vegas, this base modding system is expanded considerably for massively entertaining results.

17 Bleed

Downloads: 181,694

bleed mod fallout new vegas

Similar to Fallout 3, New Vegas‘ weapons are not that satisfying to use since they are not particularly impactful. Even on higher difficulty levels, the base game is still pretty easy, leading to combat scenarios lacking much in the way of tension or depth.

The Bleed mod improves things by changing how damage is inflicted, presenting a more realistic experience that packs quite a punch on Very Hard or Hardcore. Although this mod doesn’t change too much on the surface, it transforms the Fallout: New Vegas experience as it forces players to carefully consider how they approach each battle.

16 Wasteland Flora And Terrain Overhaul

Downloads: 2,807,907

fallout new vegas wasteland flora mod

Fallout: New Vegas is rich with character and environmental storytelling, but the wasteland is not exactly the most varied of terrains to explore. Eventually, all the trees start to look the same, causing the game to feel rather repetitive.

This mod rectifies this by adding a whole slew of new trees and plants, spreading more than a hundred variants across the wasteland. Even if it doesn’t change the gunplay or add new story beats, this download makes the simple act of traveling through the Vegas desert more engaging.

15 World Randomizer For NV

Downloads: 10,225

World Randomizer For NV mod fallout

Even though Fallout: New Vegas has been out more than a decade by this point, the modding scene still occasionally throws out a unique surprise. World Randomizer for NV is a brilliant idea for a mod: every door within New Vegas is randomized. This makes the whole adventure unpredictable and singular since nobody will have the same exact experience.

Now, the mod was only uploaded to Nexus on November 30, 2021, so there are still a number of bugs that need to be ironed out. Nevertheless, this mod is a great option for those looking to mess around a bit in Fallout: New Vegas.

14 EVE — Essential Visual Enhancements

Downloads: 4,346,742

EVE mod for Fallout New Vegas

Using guns and other weapons in Fallout: New Vegas can prove to be quite a blast indeed — literally at times — but one has to admit that some of the effects attached to these guns can prove to be quite lacking indeed.

Thankfully, with the EVE mod, this worry becomes a thing of the past. All of a sudden, all the weapons of Fallout: New Vegas end up being viscerally satisfying in every way.

13 Roleplayers Alternative Start Fallout New Vegas

Downloads: 970,718

Fallout New Vegas Alternate Start Mod Cropped Created By Gribbleshnibit8, pintocat, and scaredwolf

Most Fallout games have a lengthy introduction before players get into the thick of exploring the wasteland. These introductions are fun during the first few playthroughs, but they get stale quickly.


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Fortunately, the Roleplayers Alternative Start Fallout New Vegas mod fixes this issue by letting players choose their character’s stats and starting gear right from the start. This allows players to roleplay characters that aren’t a Courier or, better yet, skip Goodsprings altogether and start the game where they please.

12 Weapons Of The New Millenia

Downloads: 1,306,194

Weapons Of The New Millenia fallout new vegas mod

Weapon mods are some of the most readily available for pretty much any type of RPG, and Fallout: New Vegas is no exception. Generally, a single weapon is not going to have too much of an impact on the overall experience, outside of making the campaign easier, harder, cooler, or sillier.

The Weapons of the New Millenia mod stands out due to the sheer volume of content included within it; the mod has more than 40 weapons created by Millenia. Designed to be user-friendly, the mod allows players to determine how they would like to interact with or acquire the new weapons. They can be unlocked for free, dropped from enemies, or purchased from vendors.