Stacey Abrams, Who Tried and Failed to Be Named Joe Biden’s Running Mate, Has Thoughts About JD Vance – RedState

Stacey Abrams, Who Tried and Failed to Be Named Joe Biden’s Running Mate, Has Thoughts About JD Vance – RedState

Georgia Governor Governor Runner-up woman Stacey Abrams was given a chance to talk about someone who actually has won a statewide election, and her comments did not disappoint.

Appearing on MSNBC with Alex Wagner, she said some words about JD Vance and women, which probably would have been a powerful point if people who watched MSNBC weren’t already Kamala Harris voters and if it came from someone capable of winning elections.

Neither of those, however, is true.

“JD Vance has shown again and again he has almost no sympathy for how women experience life in America,” said Abrams. “And he has demonstrated again and again that he reduces women to the least, and most puerile, notion of our humanity.”

The ending of the post above is just perfect: “JD Vance is probably regretting invoking Stacey Abrams.”

I do not know JD Vance and have never spoken to him, but on his list of regrets in life, I am pretty sure that does not appear.

It is worth noting that Abrams, while refusing to acknowledge that she lost the race for Governor of Georgia to Brian Kemp, also unsuccessfully tried to get herself picked to be Joe Biden’s running mate in 2020. It was truly one of the saddest political displays of all time.

“No one takes Stacey seriously. And her public campaigning for the job seems more like a hostage negotiation than an actual attempt to get the job,” a Biden insider told The Post. “Biden is an old school guy and will always be. Picking Stacey would be like picking [Sarah] Palin. He doesn’t need to throw a Hail Mary. He wants a good governing partner.”

Internally, her star has fallen with the onset of the coronavirus as concerns grow about her preparedness.

“Stacey isn’t ready on day one. Even she knows that and it’s why she’s engaging in this dance. She might get perfunctorily better, but she’s not a serious pick for him. And her campaign is viewed as much as promotion for her book as it is for being chosen as Biden’s VP,” the insider continued, referring to Abrams’ forthcoming book “Our Time Is Now.”

Abrams, at one point, was a media darling. But consistently losing in Georgia – she had no qualifications to become governor and has since proven she has very little political skill to speak of – and then embarrassingly auditioning for a job she originally said she never wanted haven’t done her any favors.

The only reason she’s appearing on MSNBC is because her name was “invoked,” as the Wagner show’s post says. Otherwise, she’s a non-entity in politics. Unlike Abrams, Vance has not only won a statewide race (U.S. Senate), but he’s also successfully gotten named to a presidential ticket.

She’s really embarrassing herself more than anything else at this point. Luckily, she’ll always have MSNBC, because real newsmakers get seen on real outlets with real credibility.