Some Helldivers 2 players are still turning traitors over shared resources

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Despite avoiding PvP to reduce toxic behavior, Helldivers 2 still has some bad apples in its war efforts. Fighting over shared resources and killing allies to grab power weapons is slowing down progress across enemy sectors. While being greedy is one thing, fighting with each over over a shared resource makes zero sense.

Arrowhead Game Studios has been active on social media with messages of compassion against console wars and new stealth upgrades but a few toxic players are ruining the experience. While older threads on Reddit have barked the same message of solidarity, the latest post from user Gregorwhat simply states ‘If you die, I’m picking up your samples. That is all.’ And they’re right, a shared resource shouldn’t be contested.

Some Helldivers 2 players ignore teamwork and shared resources

Reddit user RelentlessAgony123 was quick to add to the original poster with ‘Our samples*.’ But not everyone understands that mission rewards like Samples in the game are shared between all players. Another player noted that ‘I got kicked the other day for picking up samples.’ While some Helldivers have had some luck with communication, others aren’t as lucky. Players have also been shot down with friendly fire just to gain access to higher-level supply weapons.

While issues like these are rarer as players reach higher ranks, they become even more punishing at higher difficulty levels. Player HollowCalzone even experienced a player knocking them out with the retort ‘I am better with your railgun.’ An obsession with meta loadouts has made the experience frustrating for players who just want to have a good time spreading managed democracy. 

Incidents like these have soured the experience for some Helldivers 2 players. Some of them have resorted to sticking to playing with friends or being more mindful of the randoms they team up with. The kick function is a welcome addition to the game that lets players deal with troublemakers. While it’s not exactly diplomatic, it’s better than using friendly fire to squabble mid-match. 

For more on Helldivers 2, check out our weapon tier list and best armor guides.