PGC Stories: Antoine Jullemier and Serg Kharchenko | Pocket

PGC Stories: Antoine Jullemier and Serg Kharchenko | Pocket

Pocket Gamer Connects is all about bringing the industry together to learn, network and build great new business partnerships.

In 2024 we’ll be celebrating 10 years since the conference began, kicking off with Pocket Gamer Connects London 2024 on January 22nd to 23rd.

Still on the fence about heading to the event? As part of our look back at the last 10 years, we’ve been asking attendees for their best stories from the show floor and how the conference has helped build their business and career.

Below, Bidstack VP of gaming Antoine Jullemier and CM Games evangelist Serg Kharchenko share their favourite PGC memories.

You can share your own memories too by filling out this form – and you’ll be in with a chance to win two free PGC tickets in 2024!

“First time public speaking”

“My very first talk on stage was with the incredible Bryan Stealey, chief marketing officer at Turborilla,” said Bidstack VP of gaming Antoine Jullemier. 

“This was Bryan’s first time public speaking as well. It was an amazing experience for both of us and gave me the confidence to do more.”


CM Games evangelist Serg Kharchenko shared the story of his first time at the Big Indie Pitch.

“I met a nice person near the bar and shared that I was nervous before meeting the publishers. A young man in elegant glasses smiled to me and said that he felt the same and cheered me up. An hour later, that person shared a fantastic speech, making everyone relax and laugh. That was A Chris James. We still maintain warm relations.”

Book your ticket now

Whether you’re looking to learn about the latest industry trends, gain development insights, network with your peers or sign a new partnership, PGC London has something for everyone.

You can purchase tickets to PGC London, which takes place on January 22nd to 23rd, 2024, here.