MCU: The Infinity Stones, Explained

MCU: The Infinity Stones, Explained

The MCU is made up of phases, as many fans are aware of. The first three phases were also referred to as the Infinity Saga. This is because the aspect that drove the story forward in the first three phases was the hunt for the six Infinity Stones, mainly led by the Titan juggernaut Thanos.

At the start of phase one, the Infinity Stones were scattered across the entire galaxy, with no way of knowing where each one was hidden. As the story progressed in the first three phases of the MCU, the Stones would pop up in various places at different points in the story. It wasn’t until about halfway through the Infinity Saga that the Avengers discovered not only the functions of each Infinity Stone, but of their existence all together.

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Thanks to the help of heroes like Thor and Doctor Strange, the Infinity Stones were brought forth to the Avengers for them to protect from the grasp of the mighty Thanos. But what was it about the Stones that drove Thanos to wipe out entire planets in search of them? What powers did they wield that he so desperately wanted to possess? Here’s a breakdown of everything to know about the Infinity Stones.

What Are the Infinity Stones?

The Infinity Stones — of which there are six in total — are the most powerful fragments of the universe, harnessing various powers that reflect the very concept of what makes up all of existence. In Guardians of the Galaxy, after the soon-to-be Guardians bring one of the Stones to the Collector on the planet Knowhere, the Collector explains how the Stones were created:

Before creation itself, there were six singularities. Then the universe exploded into existence, and remnants of these systems were forged into concentrated ingots: Infinity Stones. These stones, it seems, can only be brandished by beings of extraordinary strength. These carriers can use the Stone to mow down entire civilizations like wheat in a field.

Each of the six Stones represent different aspects of existence: mind, power, reality, soul, space, and time. When the Big Bang occurred, the Stones were shot out in the explosion, scattering across the galaxy in six different locations. But if they were to be brought together, and their joint power harnessed by a single being, they’d wield absolute power to whomever possesses them all.

Infinity Stones

The Stones

Color of Stone

First Appearance in MCU

Mind Stone


The Avengers

Power Stone


Guardians of the Galaxy

Reality Stone


Thor: The Dark World

Soul Stone


Avengers: Infinity War

Space Stone


Thor (Cinematically); Captain America (Chronologically)

Time Stone


Doctor Strange

What Are the Powers of Each Infinity Stone?

The Mad Titan invades Elden Ring thanks to a creative player and the game's character creator.

Each Infinity Stone wields its own unique power.

Mind Stone


Mind Stone

Stone Ability

Control over the minds and will of others

Where Stone Was Found in MCU

Inside Loki’s Scepter

The Mind Stone was first found inside Loki’s Scepter. Once wielded, it has the ability of mind control, so that whomever possess it can make others do whatever they please, putting them in a sort of trance state of obedience.

Power Stone


Power Stone

Stone Ability

Ability to wield ultimate power and physical strength

Where Stone Was Found in MCU

Within an orb on the planet Morag

The Power Stone was first found by Peter Quill when he was scavenging for relics on the abandoned planet Morag. The Stone cycled through a few users — including Ronan and the Collector — before falling into Thanos’ possession. It has the power of ultimate strength, granting whoever wields it enough power to destroy an entire planet.

Reality Stone


Reality Stone

Stone Ability

Ability to alter reality

Where Stone Was Found in MCU

In the possession of Malekith, the leader of the Dark Elves

The Reality Stone first appeared in the possession of the Dark Elf Malekith, who planned on using it to engulf the universe in darkness before he fell at the hands of Thor. As was the intent of Malekith, the Reality Stone (also referred to as the Aether) has the power to alter reality however the wielder wants. For example, Thanos tricked the Guardians into thinking he was interrogating the Collector when they arrived on Knowhere, when he actually had already destroyed the facility where it resided, masking the flames with the ability of the Reality Stone.

Soul Stone


Soul Stone

Stone Ability

Alter one’s soul, resurrection

Where Stone Was Found in MCU

On the planet Vormir

The Soul Stone wasn’t stored anywhere in physical form. Instead, it was held on Vormir, under the protection of the Red Skull, but it could only be accessed in exchange for another soul, aka a living sacrifice. Considered the most powerful of the Infinity Stones, the Soul Stone, similar to the mind stone, can take control over one’s soul. In addition, it has the power to resurrect anyone who has previously died.

Space Stone


Space Stone

Stone Ability

Control of space itself

Where Stone Was Found in MCU

Inside the Tesseract

The Space Stone was first found hidden inside the protective cube known as the Tesseract. Having moved between Earth and Asgard, it was eventually taken by Loki before being stolen again by Thanos. The Space Stone can bend space itself, allowing the user to transport themselves across the galaxy in an instant.

Time Stone


Time Stone

Stone Ability

Controls time, gives the ability to move through time

Where Stone Was Found in MCU

Within the Eye of Agamotto in Kamar-Taj

The Time Stone was the only stone that, as far as anyone knows, was always on Earth in Kamar-Taj (located in the Himalayas). It was protected by the Eye of Agamotto, only able to be opened by a sorcerer. Eventually in the possesion of Doctor Strange, the Time Stone can control the flow of time, allowing the user to move through it at will.

What Happens to the Infinity Stones?


Eventually, Thanos retrieves all six Infinity Stones, the last one being the Mind Stone, which he rips from Vision’s head. Once in his possession, he places them in his specially designed gauntlet that allows him to use the stones to their ultimate power. After a hard-fought battle with the Avengers, Thanos manages to snap his fingers, and wipes out half of all existence in the universe. After teleporting to the planet known as the Garden, he destroys the stones, telling the remaining Avengers:

The universe required correction. After that, the Stones served no purpose, beyond temptation. […] [They’re] gone. Reduced to atoms. […] I used the Stones to destroy the Stones.

After the Stones are destroyed, Thor kills Thanos, and the Avengers — as well as the entire universe — are left hopeless at ever undoing what he had done. That is until the Avengers figure out (five years later) how to time travel to times and places where they are certain the Stones are present. They’re then able to bring the Stones back to the present, when the Hulk puts on his own gauntlet and undoes Thanos’ deed. After a final battle with a Thanos from a different time, Iron Man then uses the gauntlet to destroy Thanos and his army, but is killed in the process.

In the end, Captain America uses the time machine to travel back and return the Stones to each of their respective places, in order to prevent alternate timelines from forming. Thus, the Infinity Stones remain destroyed in present day MCU, never to be used again.

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a sprawling movie and television franchise that weaves together individual stories of superheroes including Captain America, Thor, Spider-Man, Hulk, Black Widow, and many more. The first film in the franchise, Iron Man, was released in 2008. The MCU has garnered critical praise and financial success, earning billions at the box office and becoming a cultural phenomenon.

MORE: What If…? Fan Theory Suggests Ultron Collected The Infinity Stones