Letter to the editor: Marcel Desjardins is his own worst enemy

Here are today’s Ottawa Sun letters to the editor.

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Re: Back in the CFL, Marcel Desjardins puts Ottawa Redblacks in his rear-view mirror, online, Jan. 17

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Whatever technical football knowledge and player evaluation ability he may possess, it appears Marcel Desjardins can be his own worst enemy.

It was likely that his “take it or leave it” attitude and stubbornness in not being willing to move payroll dollars between categories — for example from D-line to receivers — is what cost the Redblacks the likes of Trevor Harris, Greg Ellingson and other top players in free agency. They chose to walk, having sufficient talent to easily catch on elsewhere.

His attitude in responses to reporter Tim Baines — the secretive and “none of your business” attitude — comes across very clearly. The reluctance to show openness on such mundane issues as these: he “won’t say where he is living after moving from … ” and the enigmatic description of his new duties, a vague, “It’s a function of being able to help them … ” Isn’t that the duty of every employee at every level?

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This interview really tells readers nothing beyond being a vainglorious hiring announcement for Desjardins. It does tend to illustrate the leopard hasn’t changed his spots. Any bets on how long until this relationship runs its course?




For years, the Swiss have had compulsory military service. Members are required to keep their weapons at home. Fast-forward to Ukraine, where the government was handing out weapons when Russia invaded.

Now look at Canada, where weapons are despised and the government is doing everything in its power to disarm the country. Hopefully, ordinary Canadians will never have to take up arms to defend Canada on our own soil.




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To the Ottawa Senators’ management: It’s time to stop pointing fingers and look in a mirror.

You have a coach who is past his best-before date and an assistant who was an elite player and a captain who led by example. Neither one seems to be a great motivator. The Sens were 3-7 in their first 10 games after Jacques Martin and Daniel Alfredsson arrived.

Now you want to start taking the team apart? Why?

To win, you need skilled players, and you have that. But you also need motivation.




Your letters are welcome, at: OttSun.Oped@sunmedia.ca . Include your first and last name AND city/town. Keep your letters short — and please try to be civil, even when criticizing or disagreeing. We edit for accuracy, length, clarity and legal concerns.

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