Letter to the editor: Dark LCBO comedy

Letter to the editor: Dark LCBO comedy

Here are today’s Ottawa Sun letters to the editor.

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Whenever I watch a news report about the ongoing LCBO strike, I fully expect the reporter to suddenly shout, “Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night!” It’s just that: like watching a very dark, abysmal comedy being played out.

Don’t believe me? Let’s look at the main protagonists. The union wants job security and the sale of mixed alcoholic beverages to remain within the LCBO. The only people who have job security in Canada are government employees, and how’s that working out for us? You’ll be able to purchase alcoholic beverages at grocery stores, whose alcoholic content far exceeds mixed drinks. But mixed drinks would continue to be the purview of the LCBO?

Lastly, what’s the hourly average rate of pay of an LCBO employee? If I was the provincial government, I wouldn’t even give the union the time of day. Why would they care where their “commission” comes from? The LCBO or the local corner store, it doesn’t really make a difference.

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It is illusionary to believe that Justin Trudeau will resign; he will not, because he is addicted to power and possesses an overblown ego, exacerbated by an inexplicably bloated belief in his own importance, superiority and infallibility.

Where will he go if he leaves — what exactly is he qualified for? What could possibly equal the esteem and prestige of holding the position of PM of Canada? Let’s face it, he has no where to go but down. Sorry folks, not on his current agenda.




Re: Will of voters must reign; A conservative defence of Biden, column, July 13

I agree wholeheartedly with Takdeer Brar’s assertion that the will of the voters must prevail in a democratic society. However, when the elites, big donors, party officials and the media did not honestly and accurately report on the U.S. president’s deteriorating mental capacity, it is collusion on their part. These insiders deliberately withheld pertinent information whereby voters were unable to make an “informed” decision.

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The polls show that, when fully informed, a majority of voters do not support Joe Biden’s re-election. The Democratic leadership have only themselves to blame for allowing this issue to be swept under the rug.

I hope, in the interest of democracy, that the problem of the nomination of a presidential candidate for the Democrats can be resolved in short order.




Your letters are welcome, at: OttSun.Oped@sunmedia.ca. Include your first and last name AND city/town. Keep your letters short — and please try to be civil, even when criticizing or disagreeing. We edit for accuracy, length, clarity and legal concerns.

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