Home Guide Laverne Cox's 'Daily Show' Monologue Takes Advantage of Anti-Trans Politics

Laverne Cox's 'Daily Show' Monologue Takes Advantage of Anti-Trans Politics

Laverne Cox's 'Daily Show' Monologue Takes Advantage of Anti-Trans Politics

Wearing a stunning purple vintage 1995 Mugler dress on Spirit Day, Laverne Cox delivered one of the best monologues you'll ever see on television Thursday night.

In a day of campaigning and raising awareness about anti-LGBTQ harassment, the actor, podcaster and activist delivered a great article. The daily show. Cox wasn't just referring to bullying in schools (as noted in the Trevor Project's report on bullying and suicide risk among LGBTQ youth), but she was addressing potential adults.

“Nowadays, bullying also comes from people more immature than teenagers: politicians,” he said.

“Given that anti-trans messages play such an important role in our politics, it is not surprising to see anti-trans violence and suicide. That's one. Are do Have concrete data. “I didn’t get that information from the same place the Republicans got their information: www.straightoutoftheirass.com.”

Cox demonstrated how Republicans continue to use dehumanizing trans language and misinformation in their campaigns – specifically, spending millions on anti-trans ads across the country – $65 million, in fact. “Seriously, $65 million in anti-trans ads?” Cox said. “Do you know how disappointing it is that someone finally spent $65 million on me? Is it because of this nonsense? I don't want hateful attack ads! I want a six-bedroom house in the mountains!

He also pointed to the fact that more than 515 anti-LGBTQ bills are currently moving through U.S. states, including highly publicized bans on transgender student athletes. “These lawmakers say the intent of these bills is to protect children, but the reality is that anti-trans laws actually lead to bullying of trans and queer kids,” Cox said. “That's very disappointing, especially from governors like Ron DeSantis. The way a man rocks a pair of high heels, you'd think he'd be complicit.”

Cox's monologue is hilarious and intense, and a must-see on TV – watch 10 minutes above.

“We're just trying to live our lives,” he said. “We want to be ourselves and not suffer stigma, violence and discrimination for it; most people understand it. But because this is such a simple and uncontroversial truth, Republicans need to raise a sense of alarm.

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