How to find and use Acquisitions and Schematics in Modern Warfare Zombies (MWZ)

Before Modern Warfare 3 drops in the wild, it’s good to know how much has changed from the previous titles. The anticipated mode Zombies is making a comeback with some additional new features. For Modern Warfare Zombies (MWZ), you can find and use Acquisitions and Schematics, and we’ll show you how to get them. 

Modern Warfare Zombies (MWZ): How to find and use Acquisitions and Schematics

Both Acquisitions and Schematics can be acquired in different ways. So let’s take a deep dive into how to find each and use them.

Acquisitions: These are one-time-use items or gear according to a blog post by Activision. They do change up gameplay quite a bit to help you and your group out. Acquisitions can be found in a few ways such as buying them before the match, searching for them on the map, and completing certain challenges. The interesting part is that you don’t need to use them every time. So when you complete a match successfully and head out, it’ll be in your Rucksack Menu.

You can also get rewards from your favorite real-life pizza place Little Ceaser’s. 

Schematics: They can be used to create Acquisitions and offer a whole wide range of mods for your weapon or gear. You can find these blueprints scattered throughout the maps. It’s worth holding on to them and trying to beat the Zombies mode. Because if you do, you take the Schematics with you which as mentioned before, can be crafted into Acquisitions. This way, you’ll have a bonus ready at the start of the match. 

Screenshot: Activision

What are all the Acquisitions?

The following are based on the blog post provided by the developers. However, there might be more when the game is fully released later this week. We’ll update accordingly. 

  • Aetherium 
  • Perk-a-cola
  • Deadshot Daiquiri
  • Death Perception
  • Elemental Pop
  • Jugger-Nog
  • PHD Flopper
  • Quick Revive
  • Speed Cola
  • Stamin-Up
  • Tombstone Soda
  • Ammo Mods

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