House Judiciary Report Shows Joe Biden Committed Multiple Impeachable Offenses – RedState

House Judiciary Report Shows Joe Biden Committed Multiple Impeachable Offenses – RedState

As President Joe Biden prepares to deliver his swan song at the Democratic National Convention Monday evening — no doubt to glowing accolades and sentimental expressions of admiration and gratitude for his years of service — the House Judiciary Committee has released a damning report detailing the findings of the committee (along with the Oversight Committee and Ways and Means Committee) in conjunction with the ongoing impeachment inquiry into the president. 

The 291-page report lays out several impeachable offenses on the part of Joe Biden and the substantial evidence supporting each. First and foremost, the report addresses the multiple instances of influence peddling by Biden family members — with Joe Biden’s knowledge and assent. Additionally, the report addresses Biden’s mishandling of classified information (as detailed in Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report). Finally, the report sets out Biden’s obstruction of Congress and of the criminal investigation into his son, Hunter.

Below are the impeachment inquiry’s key findings as set forth in the report:

  • From 2014 to the present, as part of a conspiracy to monetize Joe Biden’s office of public trust to enrich the Biden family, Biden family members and their associates received over $27 million from foreign individuals or entities. In order to obscure the source of these funds, the Biden family and their associates set up shell companies to conceal these payments from scrutiny. The Biden family used proceeds from these business activities to provide hundreds of thousands of dollars to Joe Biden—including thousands of dollars that are directly traceable to China. While Jim Biden claimed he gave this money to Joe Biden to repay personal loans, Jim Biden did not provide any evidence to support this claim. The Biden family’s receipt of millions of dollars required Joe Biden’s knowing participation in this conspiracy, including while he served as Vice President.
  • Joe Biden used his status as Vice President to garner favorable outcomes for his son’s and his business partners’ foreign business dealings. Witnesses acknowledged that Hunter Biden involved Vice President Biden in many of his business dealings with Russian, Romanian, Chinese, Kazakhstani, and Ukrainian individuals and companies. Then-Vice President Biden met or spoke with nearly every one of the Biden family’s foreign business associates, including those from Ukraine, China, Russia, and Kazakhstan. As a result, the Biden family has received millions of dollars from these foreign entities.
  • The Biden family leveraged Joe Biden’s positions of public trust to obtain over $8 million in loans from Democratic benefactors. Millions of dollars in loans have not been repaid and the paperwork supporting many of the loans does not exist and has not been produced to the Committees. This raises serious questions about whether these funds were provided as gifts disguised as loans.
  • Under the Biden Administration, the Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) afforded special treatment to President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. Several witnesses acknowledged the delicate approach used during the Hunter Biden case, describing the investigation as “sensitive” or “significant.” Evidence shows that Department officials slow-walked the investigation, informed defense counsel of future investigative actions, prevented line investigators from taking otherwise ordinary investigative steps, and allowed the statute of limitations to expire on the most serious felony charges. These unusual—and oftentimes in the view of witnesses, unprecedented—tactics conflicted with standard operating procedures and ultimately had the effect of benefiting Hunter Biden.
  • The Biden Justice Department misled Congress about the independence of law enforcement entities in the criminal investigation of Hunter Biden. Biden Administration political appointees exercised significant oversight and control over the investigation of the President’s son. Witnesses described how U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware and now-Special Counsel David Weiss, who oversaw the investigation and prosecution of Hunter Biden, had to seek (1) agreement from other U.S. Attorneys to bring cases in a district geographically distinct from his own and (2) approval from the Biden Justice Department’s Tax Division to bring specific charges or take investigative actions against Hunter Biden. Despite the clear conflict of interest, Weiss was only afforded special counsel status after the investigation came under congressional scrutiny.
  • The White House has obstructed the Committees’ impeachment inquiry by withholding key documents and witnesses. The White House has impeded the Committees’ investigation of President Biden’s unlawful retention of classified documents, by refusing to make relevant witnesses available for interviews and by erroneously asserting executive privilege over audio recordings from Special Counsel Hur’s interviews with President Biden. In addition, the White House is preventing the National Archives from turning over documents that are material to the Committees’ inquiry

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BREAKING: House Passes Joe Biden Impeachment Inquiry

As the report rightly notes, while the Democrats have cheapened the impeachment process in their zeal to dethrone former President Donald Trump, the pursuit of articles of impeachment isn’t to be done lightly. What this report documents is that there is ample evidence to support such pursuit as to President Joe Biden. 

Some may question the value of such a pursuit at this late stage in the game. (Though, let’s not forget that Trump Impeachment No. 2 was initiated just one week before his term expired.) The committees have been conducting an investigation into the president and his family’s seemingly crooked business dealings for well over a year, and formally since December. With this report, they are placing the ball in the court of the full House. What comes next as the election looms remains to be seen. The report concludes with this: 

As the Committees, whistleblowers, witnesses, and a few brave media outlets that pursued leads regarding the Biden family’s business dealings, President Biden, the Biden-Harris Administration, and senior White House officials have sought to bury the President’s involvement in his family’s conspiracy to monetize his high office. Whenever the Committees produced new evidence refuting the White House’s narrative, the White House changed its story. President Biden has not been able to maintain a consistent narrative regarding his role in these schemes and has resorted to making outlandish statements and outright denials that are provably false with bank records and other evidence.

To date, the testimony and documents received by the Committees show President Biden knew about, participated in, and benefited from his family’s influence peddling conspiracy. While President Biden to date has avoided accountability for his corruption, the Committees are dedicated to ensuring that political influence is not for sale and that those entrusted to hold public office are committed only to promoting the country’s interests, not their own. As both president and vice president, Joe Biden has abused his office of public trust, putting his family’s financial interests above the interests of the American people. Although the Committees’ fact-finding is ongoing amid President Biden’s obstruction, the evidence uncovered in the impeachment inquiry to date already amounts to impeachable conduct. The Committees present this information to the House of Representatives for its evaluation and consideration of appropriate next steps.