Ghost Song update out now (version 1.2.12), patch notes

Ghost Song update 1.2.12

Ghost Song previously landed on Switch about a year ago, but it’s just received a new version 1.2.12 update.

Side content has been added with Toler-Under-Foot and Leaf the bounty hunter. Lua is also reworked with a more fleshed-out story, balance adjustments are included, and some bugs are now fixed.

Here’s the full rundown:

Ghost Song update version 1.2.12 patch notes

  • Confront what dwells in Toler-Under-Foot
    • Should you find yourself in a small new region called Toler-Under-Foot, Deadsuit will encounter a new kind of enemy type—along with an imposing, challenging new boss named Xorogon. This hulking warrior shares a history with another being you may have encountered during your travels. And if you best Xorogon in combat (no small feat!), you’ll arm yourself with a new axe (with a bit of a twist).
  • Heartbreaker
    • A new path has opened in the Sapstone region, where a headstrong bounty hunter named Leaf waits for his next contender. If you stay cool and don’t let his attitude get under your suit, you just might earn a fun new rapid-fire toy for your arsenal.
  • Lua’s tale
    • If you’ve played Ghost Song before, you might have come across a wandering adventurer named Lua during your travels. This update gives her a reworked and more fleshed-out story, along with some of the the closure she deserves. Keep an eye out for her as you’re out exploring.
  • Bug fixes
  • Balance adjustments, including changes to the game’s less challenging Explorer difficulty mode to reduce the amount of damage Deadsuit takes; this should make the journey a bit more accessible for people who want to focus more on enjoying Ghost Song’s atmosphere and story.

The new Ghost Song version 1.2.12 update is live on Switch now.
