Garena Free Fire is set to soon begin the previously teased crossover with legendary automobile company Automobili Lamborghini

Garena Free Fire is set to soon begin the previously teased crossover with legendary automobile company Automobili Lamborghini

Legendary third-person shooter battle royale Free Fire has revealed that they will be hosting a crossover with the world-renowned automobile company Automobili Lamborghini later this month. This crossover still seems in a pretty conceptual phase, with only light details so far, but we do know that players will be able to drive various Lamborghini models from the real world within the game, allowing you to cruise around the various Free Fire maps in true style.

Free Fire, for the unaware, is sort of the Fortnite before Fortnite existed. It’s massively popular and extremely successful across most regions of the world, though those of us located within the US and even the UK might not be super familiar. Regardless, it’s seen crossovers with various high-profile IPs and companies across its long life span, such as the anime series Demon Slayer or the Korean pop stars BTS.

And now they’re extending their already massive net of crossovers with this reveal. While it might be light on the content given it mostly revolves around adding in some new vehicles to drive around the map and perhaps a few cosmetics as well, it’s still pretty cool for car lovers especially to see such a massive automobile company represented within a battle royale game of all things.

Details are still quite sparse, as we don’t even have a solid release date for this crossover just yet, but we do at least know the existence of the new vehicles as well as the fact that it will launch sometime within the month of December. Until then, all we really have is the teaser image featured above and a confirmation that there will also be some other new cosmetics added in too such as a new arrival animation, a Gloo Wall, and a moving emote.

Keep an eye out for the Lamborghini crossover by downloading Free Fire for, well, free at either of the links below!