Fortnite Rocket Racing Death Mode Leak Gets More Details

Dataminers and leakers have made more claims about Rocket Racing’s upcoming Death Race mode in Fortnite. Rocket Racing is a twist on traditional kart racing with an Epic Games feel. The claims are from Twitter user @BeastFNCreative, known for Fortnite leaks.

BeastFNCreative said that players would actively sabotage the track for their opponents by placing deadly obstacles like spikes. The tweet also suggests that other hazards that “kick players into walls” could also be included.

@iFireMonkey, another known leaker, first hinted at the mode in September, although specifics were scarce at the time. They identified a playlist called “Del Mar,” later confirmed to be Rocket Racing, and later allegedly discovered an unfinished “Wedge” map designed explicitly for Death Race. Footage of the map in development has also supposedly leaked (Thanks Insider-Gaming!)

Since 2023 is over, we know that any death mode will likely release sometime in early 2024, aligning with the developers’ announced plans for Rocket Racing’s Season 1. This season promises “speed run leaderboards, further customization options,” and perhaps most notably, “creator-made tracks.” The latter feature is synonymous with Fortnite, as creativity is at its core.

The mode is less popular than others introduced at the same time, like Lego and Festival. The idea of kart racing isn’t new and is overdone. This may be why players have yet to embrace the mode like the other two, but having players design the tracks may help with that.

There are plenty of racing games to compete with this new mode, so Fortnite needs to get going with what makes it different. We would love to see more Rocket League aspects to this mode to get those fans playing more often. We’ll just have to wait and see if Epic Games is able to make their racing mode more fun.