Fallout London Delayed to 2024, But It Looks Incredible

Today the team behind the massive Fallout London mod for Fallout 4, announced that it won’t be released in 2023 as it was previously announced.

We do get a new release date, and it’s April 23, 2024. The good news is that the mod is feature-complete, so the remaining time will be dedicated to tweaking and bug-hunting. 

Further good news is that we get an extensive video introducing the mod, which is as big as a full-fledged DLC or more.

What we see in the video is nothing short of mouthwatering. It looks so good that it certainly feels more like an official DLC than a fan-made mod. 

It isn’t surprising that the mod’s former head writer, Stephanie Zachariadis, has actually been hired by Bethesda itself to work as a quest designer. 

The video showcases what the team has achieved within a number of fields including the development of London itself, 3D modeling, 2D texturing, music, gameplay, and more. 


This is even more impressive if you think that the mod has been brought to this level of content and features in just a little more than 2 years. 

The mod was originally announced all the way back in June 2021. 

There is a whole lot to see in the video, and especially the size of the scope of the game’s London is really crazy, counting 3764 cells in total. 

It’s equivalent to the Commonwealth from the original game and the Far Harbor DLC combined. 

On top of that Fallout London has about 90,000 recorded voice lines, which is 1.5 times the size of Fallout New Vegas or The Elder Scrolls 5; Skyri.

That’s actually just a bit less than the original Fallout 4

If you’d like to learn more about Fallout 4, you can read our review that awarded it with an 8 out of 10. If you don’t yet have a copy and want to get ready for this mod, you can grab a copy on Amazon.

The game is also heavily discounted on Steam due to the Winter Sale. 

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