Even CNN Has to Acknowledge Power of the Huge Trump Rally in Bronx and Problem for Dems – RedState

Even CNN Has to Acknowledge Power of the Huge Trump Rally in Bronx and Problem for Dems – RedState

It looks like CNN just might have been a bit unhappy on Thursday. They were forced to talk about the huge Trump rally in the South Bronx because everyone else was talking about it. Thousands turned out, exceeding the 3500 anticipated. The campaign estimated it was 25,000. 

But CNN didn’t seem at all jazzed that they had to talk about it and that they had to admit a little truth. 

Anderson Cooper asked about the event, “What was the crowd like and what kind of response did you get?”

The reporter responded, “Certainly a bigger crowd than I think Democrats would like to see, particularly given this is one of the bluest counties in the entire country!” 

According to the CNN reporter, Trump’s people said they were going to “micro-target” to get local people out.

While the reporter noted that with Trump rallies, you do have some people who travel from other places to attend, she had to acknowledge that there were a “lot of people from the Bronx.” It was funny watching Cooper’s face throughout with the pursed lips. It was also funny to watch the guy behind the reporter doing “YMCA” — a song Trump always plays at his rallies — behind her.

CNN also managed with that clip to debunk reports Democrats were spreading on social media suggesting people were “bused” into the event. Democrats have to be desperate when they try to come up with such things. We saw from Gov. Hochul that they’re not exactly handling this well. She had a “deplorable moment” when she referred to people who would attend the rally as “clowns” and called his rallies “fake” and “made-up.” 

READ MORE:   Yikes: Hochul Insults Americans As She Tries to Attack Trump and His Rally in South Bronx

The people in Crotona Park looked pretty real to me. Fox’s Lawrence Jones also confirmed folks were from the Bronx, and I can tell from the accent of some of the people who were interviewed that yes, they were from the Bronx. 

Whether he gets New York, it’s not just about New York. It’s about showing people in general that he wants to reach out to everyone and they appreciate it.

“We were so close, that was insane!” one spectator can be heard saying. “He’s so much larger in person! This is a part of history. We are going to tell our kids about this.”

It’s hard for Joe Biden to compete with the energy, enthusiasm, and fun that such an event projects. He has trouble drawing people sometimes even in deep blue areas. 


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