Dragon’s Dogma 2 Player Discovers Hilarious Way to Prevent Fall Damage


  • “Pawn Surfing” can prevent fall damage in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
  • This involves tackling a Pawn while on a cliff edge, using their body to float to the ground safely.
  • Players are still exploring the game’s potential, using Pawns uniquely and finding new tricks all the time.

A Dragon’s Dogma 2 player has discovered a hilarious way to prevent fall damage in the game, with a method most players would never expect. Dragon’s Dogma 2 is still a relatively new release, so players are constantly finding new tricks in the game all the time.

Like many other RPGs, Dragon’s Dogma 2 has plenty of hidden tricks that players can discover to make their adventures much easier. Many of these tricks won’t be found until a second or third playthrough, which makes the process of discovering them all the more rewarding. Recently, one Dragon’s Dogma 2 player discovered a great trick to distract wolves after 80 hours of gameplay. Relative to other RPGs, Dragon’s Dogma 2 is still in its infancy, and because of this, it’s likely there are many useful tricks in the game that haven’t yet been discovered, but will be at some point in the future.


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Redditor Upper_Deku figured out that Pawns in Dragon’s Dogma 2 can be utilized in a way that allows players to avoid taking all fall damage. Standing with their Pawn at the top of a cliff, they simply tackle them off the side, in a method they describe as “Pawn Surfing.” As long as the tackle animation continues to play, players should float down to the bottom of the drop, totally unharmed. Better yet, the Pawn should also not take damage, too, making this method totally safe.

How to Prevent Fall Damage in Dragon’s Dogma 2

It’s fun to see what players are doing with Pawns in the game. They were an extremely unique feature of the original Dragon’s Dogma, and have only been enhanced in the sequel. Players are still figuring out every trick they have in their locker – one Dragon’s Dogma 2 fan even played catch with their Pawns and a pig. While Pawns might also be at the heart of Dragon’s Dogma 2‘s most controversial feature in Dragonsplague, there’s no doubt that they’re still a marked improvement over the original game’s implementation.

After a slightly controversial launch thanks to the surprise inclusion of microtransactions, it’ll be interesting to see what Capcom does next with Dragon’s Dogma 2. The developer has already updated the game several times, solving some of the biggest problems highlighted by its community. Dragon’s Dogma 2 DLC was also teased in a recent new Capcom survey, so it seems the plan is to keep the game stocked with new content for a while yet.

dragon's dogma 2

Dragon’s Dogma 2

The long-awaited sequel to 2012’s action RPG, Capcom’s Dragon’s Dogma 2 follows the Arisen, a hero whose heart is stolen by a powerful and massive dragon. Featuring a world 4x the size of its predecessor, Dragon’s Dogma 2 emphasizes customization and player control through its character creator, vocations system, and AI-controlled Pawns. 

March 22, 2024

Action RPG
