Democrats Can’t Meme – and Can’t Tolerate People Who Can – RedState

Democrats Can’t Meme – and Can’t Tolerate People Who Can – RedState

There’s an old saw on the internet, at least among those of us with conservative/libertarian leanings, that says, “The left can’t meme.” That’s not entirely true, of course, as broad brushes usually do cover too much ground. I’ve seen a few memes from leftists that, credit where credit is due, were creative and evoked a chuckle or two.

But then someone on the right – like, say, Donald Trump – drops a meme, and the humorless scolds on the left descend like a flock of carrion birds.

OK, now, nobody with enough brains to pound sand thinks this is serious. This is a classic Trump troll: while Kamala Harris’ stated policy proposals are, yes, running right up there in Marxist territory, nobody thinks that even the Harris/Walz campaign would be stupid enough to put up a commie flag in the Democrats’ convention hall. The people protesting outside, now that’s another matter.

Even so: Let’s have a look at some of the proposed Community Notes and comments on former President’ Trump’s trolling post.

First, one Trump supporter chimed in with the front view.

And then there’s this beauty:

But it was in the proposed Community Notes that the left really went wild.

One person noted: 

This image is AI-generated. It features telltale signs of AI generation (facial deformities, inconsistent graphics/fonts) & is identified as artificial by AI-image analysis tools.

The proper response to this begins with “No” and ends with “Sherlock.” Of course, it’s AI-generated. Belaboring the obvious like this makes no point at all, other than that Donald Trump has not lost any of his talent at pushing the Left’s buttons.

Then there’s this:

An AI image is presented without context as a undisputed fact.

My reply to this would be, “It doesn’t need context, you humorless scold. It’s a joke.” 

There was at least one comment that showed good sense.

Opinions and satire are fine.  Disagree in the comments. Keep the integrity of CN. This is just one of many posts with multiple unnecessary notes because people want to control other freedom of speech. Stop it.

Well put.

There is a time and a place to be a fact-checker. Analyzing humorous memes on X isn’t the time or the place. If you don’t think it’s funny, leave a comment – or just show some class and pass it by. If I answered every internet meme I thought was stupid, nobody would be reading my work here on RedState because I wouldn’t have time to write any.

Besides, we’ve got our hands full staying abreast of all the dumb things the left is doing.

See Related: Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Tried to Defend Kamala Harris’ Policy Stances – It Was an Utter Train Wreck

Joe Rogan Drops Eye-Opening Flashback Footage of Trump on ‘The View’ 

Life is too short for the “someone on the internet is wrong about something” obsession. But there is a time and a place for humor, and the Trump campaign has shown some real talent for poking the Democrats – and occasionally provoking them into saying what they really think. And that, folks, is worth doing every day and twice on Sunday.

I’ll leave you with this: