Characters You Should Not Kill In Baldur’s Gate 3

Characters You Should Not Kill In Baldur’s Gate 3


  • Baldur’s Gate 3
    players should avoid killing certain NPCs, as some are essential to the game’s future.
  • Choices matter in
    – spare characters like Astarion and Karlach to unlock quests and benefits later on.
  • Keeping characters like Mayrina, Gortash, and the Gondian Workers alive can lead to unique quests and rewards in the game.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is filled with a wide variety of NPCs that players are likely to be introduced to throughout their adventure. Some of them lead to interesting stories, while others are strictly there to be filler in the world. No matter what the purpose of the character is, every single one of them is an intriguing person to talk to.


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While it may be tempting to lay down the law and murder almost everyone the player sees, sometimes it’s a good idea to take a step back from the Dark Urge of Baldur’s Gate 3 and instead resist murdering folk due to their possible importance in the future of the game. There are countless characters that players should try to keep alive in Baldur’s Gate 3, especially when trying to be the hero.

Updated July 16, 2024, by Megan Smith: The upcoming patch for Baldur’s Gate 3 plans to not only give players the mod support they have been demanding but also entirely new ending cut scenes for Dark Urge players that have decided to give in to their tendencies. Players may be interested in mindlessly murdering people, but some players may still question if they should kill Bernard in BG3 or any of the other NPCs where players are given the option to let them live. Even some of the enemies of the game deserve a chance to live and, therefore, these are the characters that players should not kill in BG3.

WARNING! Spoilers about characters and quests in Baldur’s Gate 3 ahead.

15 Karlach

A Powerful Companion With A Bubbly Personality

Karlach in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Players are given the option to attack Karlach the first time they meet her due to Wyll’s mission being to kill her.

Karlach is one of many companions the player can recruit during their adventure in Baldur’s Gate 3; however, some players may still not know this to be the case due to them being given the objective of killing her by both Wyll and the Paladin of Tyr, Anders.

While killing her may reward players with a sword from Anders or simply help Wyll with his Patron, players will be missing out on a whole questline by putting an end to this hilarious Tiefling.

14 Kagha

Even Kagha Deserves A Second Chance

Kagha stares at Arabella in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Players can either outright kill Kagha the first time they meet her, or may be forced to kill her if they don’t persuade her to stand down when the truth is found out.

As the first arguably evil character players are likely to encounter in the first act of Baldur’s Gate 3, players may think it’s easy to answer if they should kill Kagha. However, uncovering the truth behind her actions is the first scenario out of many where players can make someone see the error of their ways without causing any bloodshed.

Overall, Kagha just wants the best for the Druids and has found herself falling for the manipulation of those who are causing her to kick out the refugees. Players can cause Kagha to turn against those who will see her kill the player and leave the repercussions of her actions up to Halsin when he finally returns.

13 Astarion

A Valuable Party Member With A Compelling Story

baldur's gate 3 astarion

  • Players can kill Astarion once he has attempted to bite them during a long rest in the first act.

Karlach isn’t the only companion that players have the chance to kill during their adventures in Baldur’s Gate 3. Although many may have already realized that Astarion is a vampire, others may find out for the first time when the white-haired elf attempts to drink their blood.


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At this point, players are given three options: allow him to drink, tell him no, or lunge to put a stake through his heart. While anger and confusion may push some players to end the bloodsucker’s life, it’s far more fulfilling to keep the elf alive to help him get his revenge on the man who turned him so many years ago.

12 Omeluum

A Unique Mind Flayer That Players Can Befriend

BG3: Omeluum

  • In the first act, players have the chance to kill Omeluum the second they meet them.

Players can’t be blamed for jumping at Omeluum’s throat the second they appear in the first act. At this point in the story, gamers haven’t been encouraged to think highly of Mind Flayers since the game opens with players being kidnapped by them. Thankfully, Omeluum is unlike the rest and genuinely tries to help the player get rid of their tadpole.

Leaving Omeluum alive can also get players a ring as well as various other items that the creature has in stock. Therefore, players should ignore the encouragement of Lae’zel to attack this surprisingly pleasant Mind Flayer.

11 Gortash

A Villain Who Can Become An Ally

Baldur’s Gate 3: Gortash

  • Players have the chance to kill Gortash during the third act of Baldur’s Gate 3. This could be the second they meet them or later on.

Gortash is one of three members of the chosen who hope to take over Baldur’s Gate with the aid of the Elder Brain. After defeating Ketheric Thorm in Act Two, players may be eager to kill Gortash the second they meet him. However, they should hold their horses and consider the easiest path.

Gortash would suggest working together and leaving him be. By bringing him the stone from Orin, players can avoid a difficult battle and meet Gortash again at the end of the game. Players should only truly consider this on an evil run, as this means they will be unable to save the Gondians.

10 Mayrina

A Desperate NPC Who Is Part Of A Fascinating Quest

Baldur's Gate 3, Mayrina

  • While the player doesn’t directly kill Mayrina in Act One, they can choose to allow the hag to keep her if they get her low enough to escape.

Mayrina is a human woman that players are likely to hear about early into their adventure through the first act of Baldur’s Gate 3. They are first likely to meet her brothers who are interrogating an old woman, calling her a hag and saying she has kidnapped Mayrina. Later in this adventure, the act will uncover that these accusations were true, as Mayrina has promised her unborn child to the hag in the hope of bringing back her dead husband.


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The player can choose to help Mayrina to free her from the Hag. While she may not thank the player at first, they can find her once again during the final act where she is trying to help others deal with their own hag problems.

9 Bernard

A Poetic Guardian That Players Can Hug

A player getting hugged by Bernard in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Players can freely hit Bernard in Act One once they have made it to the top of the Arcane Tower.

While the Underdark is filled with all sorts of terrors, players need not worry that everything in there is deadly. Some characters the player is likely to meet will at first give them the benefit of the doubt to prove themselves worthy allies. One such example is Bernard, the magical construct that can be found inside the Arcane Tower.

Bernard may not have any quests, but he’s still an interesting robot to meet. By answering his questions correctly, players will be able to save themselves from this construct’s wrath. Although he has a very impressive weapon, some players may prefer the hug more than the loot they could’ve gotten from him.

8 Astarion’s Siblings

They Are In The Same Situation As The Pale Elf


  • Killing the Vampire Spawn can either happen to outright stop the ritual, though this can be avoided, or when stopping Astarion from using them for his own gain.

Besides players avoiding killing Astarion, the pale elf will attempt to encourage the player to help him kill his vampire siblings in the hope of becoming so powerful that even after the Tadpole is gone, he can walk in the sun again.

While this power may sound incredible, players will quickly notice that these other Vampire Spawns are exactly like Astarion, hoping to survive and doing what they must, as they also believe that by following their master, they will be free, unaware that he is going to kill them too. Players can talk Astarion out of taking his master’s place in the ritual to save the spawn, as well as set them free after the events of such.

7 Owlbear

An Adorable Creature Who Can Join The Camp

The Owlbear eating its mother in Baldur's Gate 3

  • The Owlbear can be found within its cave in the first act of the game.

In the first Act of Baldur’s Gate 3, players have the chance to encounter an Owlbear cub and its mother. Players may be tempted to kill them both in an attempt to gain experience or simply prove themselves to be powerful, but the right thing to do is to leave the tiny Owlbear cub alive.


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When approaching the Goblin camp after visiting this location, the players will discover that the mother has been killed and that the baby has been kidnapped. At this point, the player can persuade the Goblins to allow the player to take the Owlbear cub off their hands, resulting in a cute animal joining the camp.

6 Barcus Wroot

A Gnome Who Plays An Important Role Later In The Story

Baldur's Gate 3 Barcus Wroot Tied To Windmill

  • Players have the option to fling Barcus to his death once they have found him at the Blighted Village in the first act.

When encountering Barcus Wroot in Act One, players will see that the Goblins have strapped him to a Windmill where he is constantly being spun around and around. After dealing with said Goblins with either violence or persuasion, players are left to free Barcus from his torment.

At this point, the player is given two levers to pull, either ‘Brake’ or ‘Release Brake.’ While it may be tempting to press ‘Release Brake,’ which will make the Windmill spin even faster, this does kill Barcus. Keeping him alive allows the player to later help Barcus again as he attempts to reunite with his friend.

5 The Gondian Workers In The Steel Watch Foundry

Innocent Bystanders In A Dangerous Location

Baldur's Gate 3, Blind Gondian Zanner Toobin

  • The Gondian workers can be found within the Foundry in the third act.

The Gondian Workers in the Steel Watch Foundry, who can be found in the third and final act of the game, are being forced to create horrifying large metal constructs that Gortash is using to keep control. While it may be easy to go in with bows and spells blazing, this will likely cause the death of many, both in and out of the Foundry.

With the help of the Gondian Workers, the player can find out how to destroy the Steel Watch Foundry while also helping them find their loved ones that Gortash has imprisoned elsewhere.

4 Volo

A Useful Merchant Who Can Provide A Unique Ability

Close up of Volo with his arms up in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Volo can be left for dead at the Goblin Camp in Act One and at the Grey Harbor Docks in Act Three.

Volo is a writer that players will either love or hate in Baldur’s Gate 3. Meeting him during the first act, Volo is always getting himself into some sort of trouble, from getting kidnapped by Goblins to being tied to a chair about to be burnt to a crisp.


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While it may be easy to ignore Volo during these situations, he only means the best and can come with some great benefits when invited back to the player’s camp. While at the player’s base, he is technically a traveling merchant that players can offload all their junk to. He can also help with the player’s tadpole issue if they let him.

3 Nightsong

A Reliable Ally In Certain Battles Who Plays A Significant Role

A close up of The Nightsong in Baldur's Gate 3

  • Players have the chance to allow Shadowheart to kill the Nightsong at the end of act two, within the Gauntlet of Shar.

The Nightsong is a character players will encounter in Act 2 if they visit the Crypt, where the Gauntlet of Shar must be completed. Naturally, this is the individual that Shadowheart needs to kill to become a Dark Justiciar. This is a crucial moment in Shadowheart’s story, but keeping the Nightsong alive can aid in the main story of Baldur’s Gate 3, too.

The woman, who is also known as Dame Aylin, is an Aasimar who is a daughter of the goddess Selune. She has great potential to be used in not only the final fight of Act 2 but also the final battle of the game if she is kept alive. Besides her uses in the game, Dame Aylin is also a pleasure to talk to with an interesting story.

2 Dammon

A Unique Merchant Who Assists In Karlach’s Story

A close up of Dammon in Baldur's Gate 3

  • It is possible to get Dammon killed during the raiding of the grove in Act One or during the second act if Isobel is kidnapped.

Dammon is a Tiefling that players will meet at the Grove at the start of BG3. Players are likely to visit him regularly if they have recruited Karlach and are doing her companion quests. Besides attempting to fix up the player’s companion, Dammon also has a lot of great gear for gamers to browse through.

Additionally, Dammon will also greatly benefit players in later acts if he remains alive — yes, this means no taking over the Grove with the Goblins – as he can take Infernal Metal and transform it into things the player can use.

1 Isobel

A Major Character Whose Death Can Lead To Many Others

Isobel from Baldur's Gate 3

  • Depending on whom the player sides with, Isobel can be kidnapped from the Last Light Inn in Act 2, resulting in the death of many other NPCs. She can also be killed during this act’s final boss fight.

As Dame Aylin’s lover, players may first be deterred from killing Isobel due to how adorable of a couple they are together. However, before this, Isobel is the only person at the Last Light’s Inn from Act 2 who can protect the location from the Shadow Curse.

If she is defeated in any way or kidnapped by the Absolute, then the protection she was providing the Inn will be broken, leaving all those inside to be corrupted by the Curse. This will force the player to kill all those inside, including Dammon, who has since taken shop there. It’s best to always keep Isobel protected.
