California Dems and Republicans Are Cozy With Criminal Illegal Pedophiles and the AB2641 Vote Proves It – RedState

California Dems and Republicans Are Cozy With Criminal Illegal Pedophiles and the AB2641 Vote Proves It – RedState

Last Wednesday, California Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R-Riverside) announced that he would push for a floor vote on AB2641, which would end the sanctuary state protections for criminal illegals who have prior convictions of sex crimes against minors. Reginald Jones-Sawyer, the egregious chair of the Public Safety Committee, is a supposed social justice warrior who is pro-criminal and pro-illegal alien. Jones-Sawyer’s most recent play was to push through AB2031, which sought to change the laws on how public funds were used in order to spend it on the defense of illegal criminals. After much public outcry, Jones-Sawyer pulled the bill. 

In 2023, Jones-Sawyer was behind the block of SB14, which sought to change the legal definition of human trafficking from a misdemeanor to a felony. Jones-Sawyer killed the bill in committee, and had it not been for the intervention of Governor Gavin Newsom, it would have stayed dead. The bill was given a floor vote, was approved by the full legislature that September, and Newsom signed it into law. It is Jones-Sawyer who has allowed AB2641 to languish in committee because it appears he loves criminal illegals more than he loves doing what is right. 

In forcing a floor vote, Essayli wanted the Democrats to go on record that they supported these policies that allow criminal illegals who target minors to have carte blanche to travel throughout the state to continue committing crimes.

California Democrats should be forced to take a position on sanctuary protections for illegal immigrants convicted of sex crimes against minors, said Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R-Riverside). Essayli will be forcing a vote on his bill Tuesday, AB 2641 to end sanctuary protections for illegals convicted of sex crimes against minors. Currently Essayli’s bill is languishing because Democrats in the Public Safety Committee refuse to hear it.

We need to know why there are Democrat lawmakers in California opposing a bill to protect American citizens from criminal illegal aliens.

Essayli wants California voters to watch this floor session to see where their elected Assembly members stand.

That vote happened on Tuesday, and Essayli supplied the link where California constituents could stream the session. Essayli made an effort to debate the vote to suspend the rules so that AB2641 could be brought to the floor. Assembly Speaker Pro Tempore Jim Wood cut Essayli’s mic in the middle of his speech. 

So much for democracy.

Democrats and more than a few Republicans certainly did make their stance known, and it wasn’t to protect the children of California but to maintain the status quo. The most cowardly were the non-votes: the ones who did not vote Yes or No, but simply abstained. Legitimately, some were absent, but Essayli announced this vote well ahead of time, so they knew it was coming. In a Democrat Supermajority, every Republican vote counts, so there really is no excuse.

The list of Democrat Nays.

Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, Dr. Joaquin Arambula, Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, Steve Bennett, Mia Bonta, Isaac Bryan, Lisa Calderon, Juan Carrillo, Wendy Carrillo, Mike Fong, Mike Gipson, Timothy Grayson, Matt Haney, Gregg Hart, Dr. Corey Jackson, Reginald Jones-Sawyer, Ash Kalra, Alex Lee, Josh Lowenthal, Kevin McCarty, Tina McKinnor, Stephanie Nguyen, Liz Ortega, Gail Pellerin, Cottie Petrie-Norris, Sharon Quirk-Silva, Luz Rivas, Freddie Rodriguez, Blanca Rubio, Miguel Santiago, Christopher Ward, Buffy Wicks, Lori Wilson, Jim Wood, Rick Zbur, and Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas.

And those cowards who didn’t bother to show up or abstained. 

Dawn Addis, David Alvarez, Jasmeet Bains, Marc Berman, Tasha Boerner, Sabrina Cervantes (absent), Phillip Chen (Republican), Damon Connolly, Megan Dahle (absent/Republican), Laura Friedman, Jesse Gabriel (absent), Eduardo Garcia, Chris Holden (absent), Jacqui Irwin, Evan Low, Brian Maienschein, Devon Mathis (absent/Republican), Al Muratsuchi, Blanca Pacheco, Diane Papan, James Ramos, Anthony Rendon, Eloise Gomez Reyes, Pilar Schiavo, Esmeralda Soria, Phil Ting, Avelino Valencia, Carlos Villapudua, Marie Waldron (Republican), and Akilah Weber.

Essayli was interviewed along with Angel Mom Agnes Gibboney, whose son was murdered by a criminal illegal 20 years ago. Gibboney has championed and worked for those 20 years to see these sanctuary policies changed, and she is rightly outraged that, once again, efforts to end this terrible government-sanctioned horror have been voted down. Gibboney’s outrage should be shared by every Californian. The Assembly members’ names are listed above for a reason: Every one of them should be contacted so that you can express your outrage, and every one of them should be voted out in November. 


As Essayli said, “They are cavalier and casual. They simply don’t give a damn.”