Biden’s Disastrous Affirmative Action Administration Has Been an Unparalleled Failure – RedState

Biden’s Disastrous Affirmative Action Administration Has Been an Unparalleled Failure – RedState

This past weekend, an assassin’s bullet came just centimeters from taking out the leading candidate for president, quite possibly plunging an already divided nation into chaos.

On Tuesday, the Director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, offered up a variety of excuses as to why her agency incompetently allowed the shooter to get off multiple shots that struck Donald Trump and killed one of his supporters.

Her explanations for the worst security breach in decades, happening under her purview, showed a staggering level of ignorance. Her actions leading up to it were equally bungling.

  • Trump’s security team was understaffed and under-resourced.

  • Despite the roof of the building where the shooter camped out being an obvious point of attack, the team opted to protect the building from the inside.

  • The reason she didn’t put anybody on the roof, Cheatle claims, is that it was sloped and created a safety hazard. This, despite the fact that snipers were positioned on another building with a roof sloped at a greater rate.

  • Law enforcement spotted the shooter nearly 30 minutes before the attack, and multiple bystanders pointed out his presence on the roof. And still, they failed to stop him.

Incompetence. Ignorance. Whether willful or not. All under Cheatle’s watch.

Will she resign? Of course not. Nobody resigns, is fired, or is otherwise held accountable under the nation’s first affirmative action administration.

Make no mistake, Cheatle, as with nearly all of President Biden’s top administrative-level figureheads, was chosen to direct the Secret Service because she is a woman.

In typical fashion, Biden announced her appointment and was quick – in the first paragraph – to point out she is a woman. As if gender is a necessary attribute to competently run the agency.

When you’re a “diversity hire,” as Rep. Tim Burchett (R-KY) has described Cheatle, you tend to operate under a similar non-merit-based premise.

The Daily Mail, therefore, has described her as a “diversity-obsessed boss” whose hiring was pushed for by Dr. Jill Biden. There is a section dedicated to the department’s commitment to diversity on its website.

“Cheatle talks more about reaching 30 percent female agents by 2030 than she does about protecting those under her agency’s tender care,” the Mail writes.

What else would you expect from a president whose administration consistently eschews the “qualifications” section of resumes in favor of key phrases such as “first woman,” “first (insert race here),” or “first gay” person at the highest levels of government?

The affirmative action presidency has been an unmitigated disaster, no matter how you look at it. When you seek to hire based on gender, skin color, and sexuality – an illegal act, by the way – you end up with a badly failed experiment.

The Biden affirmative action administration is just that – a badly failed experiment. An island of diverse but deficient misfit toys. 

Let’s take a look …

Also contributing to the assassination disaster is DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who reportedly ignored “repeated requests” for stronger secret service protection for Trump.

Upon his confirmation back in 2022, Mayorkas was heralded first and foremost for being “the first Latino and immigrant” to serve in the role.

Despite the word “security” being in his department name and title, Mayorkas promptly made the southern border of the United States the most insecure in this nation’s history.

Under his watch, over 10 million illegal immigrants have entered the country, including 1.8 million known “gotaways” who slipped past Border Patrol and into the country. Not to mention the single military-aged males that have streamed into the country and those with specific tangible ties to terror organizations.

Then there is Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. You all know him mainly because he checks off the Biden affirmative action checklist by being “the first openly gay member of a presidential Cabinet.”

When this “historic” figure isn’t taking off two months for paternity leave in the middle of a supply chain crisis, he’s overseeing nearly weekly train derailments, causing chaos at airports, and surveying decaying airplanes with parts that fly off midflight.

Don’t worry, though, he’s investing in female crash dummies to fight gender inequality and heroically addressing racist highways while simultaneously fixing racism on construction sites … or something.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is the pièce de resistance when it comes to Biden’s diversity hires. She checks off several boxes being female, black, and a lesbian.

Unlike the others, Jean-Pierre’s inability to do a passable job is on display nearly daily as she tries unsuccessfully to convey to the American people just how accomplished this administration is.

She is an idiot savant, minus the savant part.

KJP spent years telling the American people how competent and fit President Biden is – even suggesting he runs circles around her physically and mentally — until that House of Cards fell at the presidential debate.

Biden’s first affirmative action hire, Vice President Kamala Harris, was chosen for her role because of the optics she provides. She continues to provide material that would be absolutely hilarious if it weren’t so sad, including a weird fascination with school buses and Venn diagrams.

Her first job was being tapped as Biden’s border czar. You know how that’s going (see Mayorkas above).

Buttigieg, Harris, Mayorkas, and Jean-Pierre are all borderline incompetent when it comes to handling their jobs. Now Cheatle joins that list.

Each of them was chosen exclusively based on certain characteristics. And they are all failures. None of them would currently be employed based on their track records if they worked at the local Dairy Queen, let alone in the White House.

The affirmative action presidency, the experiment in diversity over competence and capability, has been an undeniable failure. Perhaps the most detrimental All-Star cast of aimlessly wandering dolts this nation has ever endured.

It almost cost former President Trump his life and kicked off a civil war in this country. It actually did cost one man his life.

The experiment must end in November.